Prologue: The Death of Liberty

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I found this FanFic called 'The Walking Mountain' by 'AkumaKami64' when a long time ago, I was searching for Shadow of the Colossus story and here is what I get.

It's just two chapters but I was kind of surprised that it is made by my favourite author who created that Red vs Blue and Gate crossover, Darth Vader: Hero of Naboo and amongst other stuff.

I just want to show create this real quick. This is mainly nothing more than a short story that are basically two shot or more or less.

After stories like 'Attack of Prime' by by 'Jacob D. Mercer', I was thinking of another giant talking robot that will come to the fold. Only this will not be that heroic and noble Optimus Prime but the fanatical, robotic and extremely patriotic Liberty Prime and he will bring Communism to the world through nuclear warfare in absolute measure.

Now, let's get this show on the road.


The Lone Wanderer marched behind the massive shadow of 'Liberty Prime', the Brotherhood of Steel's secret weapon. Several Knights and Paladins also followed the robot, its shadow keeping them safe from the wasteland's scorching sun.

In all honesty, he was bored. The robot practically incinerated and dismembered everything that wore a suit of Enclave armour or refused to keep clear of its enormous feet, leaving little for the Wanderer, or anyone else in that matter, to do. Really, the Wanderer had been practically forced to walk all the way there, and with the three hundred pounds of equipment he insisted on carrying around... Actually, he didn't know why he had all those things in the first place, had it really been that long since he had left the vault? He sighed and made a note on his Pip-Boy to remind him to go drop all of his junk down the nearest cliff once this was over.

He watched in mild amusement as the upper half of an Enclave trooper achieved several meters of air, before falling on top of a rock with a loud crack. Five out of ten, he had seen better.


Liberty Prime continued to demolish the Enclave as it made its way to the Satellite Relay station. The air was filled with the guttural screams of the Enclave troopers being torn apart by Liberty's dual head-mounted energy beams, and the occasional nuke.

He didn't even know what they were supposed to be doing. Part of that was his fault, since he never actually bothered to listen to anyone. With a low grumble, he sat on a rock and watched as the robot punched a hole into the Satellite station. One of the enormous satellite dishes began to swivel, the rusty pre-apocalyptic engine groaning loudly at the effort.

"SATELLITE UPLINK DETECTED. ANALYSIS OF COMMUNIST TRANSMISSION, PENDING." An alarm began to echo through the valley, coming from Liberty Prime. "WARNING, WARNING. RED CHINESE ORBITAL STRIKE, IMMINENT. ALL PERSONNEL SHOULD REACH MINIMUM SAFE DISTANCE, IMMEDIATELY!" The robot flung its arm backwards as it spoke, pointing away from the building. The Knights and Paladins of the brotherhood began to leg it, trying to get as far away from Prime as possible. Meanwhile, the Wanderer sat on his rock, completely unaware of what was happening.

A bright flash lit up his face, followed by several others. He stopped counting grains of sand and looked up. A cloud of dust surrounded the area around Liberty Prime and something could be heard dragging itself across the sand.

As the dust cleared, he saw the broken upper half of Liberty Prime crawling away from a crater almost pitifully. One of its arms was now nothing but a mess of cables and metal, while the other remained intact, the metallic hand clutching the hot sand as Liberty continued to drag itself.

"CATA-STROPHIC S-SYSTEM FAILUUUuure... INITIATING CORE SH-SHUTDOWN AS PER... EMERGENCY INITIATIVE TWO-SIX-EIGHT-TWO-TWO-ZERO-NINE... I-... DIE SO THAT DE-MO-CRACY... LI-... LIVESss..." Liberty Prime's head popped out of its socket and rolled along the sand a good few feet before reaching the feet of one of the Paladins. Dark oil began to pour out the robot's body from where the head should have been, painting the sand nearby.

All of the members of the Brotherhood watched in awe as the robot spew out its last words. Some of them even took off their helmets, having trouble assimilating the fact that their ultimate weapon had been destroyed.

And the Wanderer? He was happy. Now that Liberty Prime was gone, he could finally do things himself.

See it and believe it. Sue me then, why don't you?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2021 ⏰

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