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Akira Yomamoto had been abroad and is finally in Japan to be with her bestfriend, Haruhi nakamaru. The first day of her new high-school starts tomorrow.  Rakuzan High Academy. She hangs up her uniform ready for tomorrow and gets in the shower.

It was the next day, she yawned and scratched the back of her head, opening one eye, she found herself laying on the floor and instantly got up, ah did I seriously fall off the bed again? The time read 8:50, she wore her hair down, and the skirt was a little shorter than she had expected.

She missed her first morning class due to the meeting she had in the principals office, he had given her a tour around and her schedule.

Finally, she had left the office and walked down the hallways, she bumped into a group of tall, handsome boys
"Uhm..excuse me do you know where Haruhi nakamaru is? Please help me find-" the boys cut her off.
"Hmm..Who's this cutie?" they looked her up and down. Akira tried to hide the nervous expression on her face.

"shut it, you four" One of the boys had spoke, he was tall with black fluffy hair, and a great sense of style. I gulped. what is this charming demeanour? He slightly kneeled down so that he could match my height "Haruhi's right over in the next classroom, princess."

I looked down at my shoes beginning to lose focus, princess? Akira questions.
He smiled and hand grabbed me out of nowhere, and so directed me to where Haruhi was.
"Who is that girl? She's so pretty I'm jealous!" "she's so lucky to hold Asahi's hand!" I heared as we walked down the corridors and he led me to the classroom as I thanked him.

Asahi huh? I'll keep that name in mind. I opened the door and looked for Haru, he was sitting at the back of the classroom. I looked around at the other students
"oh? We have a new girl?" Squealed a girl with black
silky hair.

"Akira! Over here!" Haruhi shouted across the classroom for me to sit over there with him, "oi Haruhi, who's this? She's quite cute!" Haruhi kicked the boy next to him, I chuckled and sat next to him.

A blonde girl had approached me and Haruhi,
"Haruhi, who is this girl?" I looked at the girl
"She's my girlfriend." Haruhi had cut me off. Wait! Did I hear that correctly? Did he just say girlfrien-

"I'm not his-" the bell rang. I frowned, I had got cut of once again. "Very well then" the blonde girl had said as she left our desk, I folded my arms together. "Aren't you gonna get up? The bell has rang" Haru said to me casually as if he didn't just call me his girlfriend.

should I just forget about it? Maybe I misheard him "ughh I'll get up later my legs are aching" i said to him as I slammed my head on the table. He scoffed. "Want me to carry you?" I instantly stood up, "I'd rather you not." Haruhi laughed, I rolled my eyes at him and laughed as my smile began to fade away as I locked eyes with the tall handsome dude from earlier on, Asahi, that was his name wasn't it?

As I tried to cover the shocked expression on my face, we had kept eye contact for about 4-5 seconds, look away Akira look away, goddammit! Why do I hate him already? No, I don't hate him I just- "Akira, are you blushing?" Jeez, I had completely lost focus of Haruhi "What? No! Of course not!"
Asahi left with a small grin on his face as each of his friends gave me "the look" and left with Asahi. Gosh, just what is his problem?

Asahi, you're driving me insane.

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