transphobes are ✨sTuPiD✨

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Hola mis amigos, amigas, and amigxs.

On today's episode of... My Life Is A Mess we will be talking about transphobes and why they're ✨sTuPid✨

Transphobes will make the argument that there are only 2 genders when there aren't even 2 biological sexes.

bc intersex people still exist and being born intersex is about as common as having red hair

there is a 1.7% chance that a child will be born intersex

just bc there aren't A LOT of aiab people doesn't mean they don't exist

*flicks cool sunglasses onto eyes* myth ✨bUsTeD✨

*slides cup of hot cocoa over to you* and thank you for coming to my TED talk :)

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