Jimmy fallon

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Last night jimmy texted me,he wants to interview me, he said that Scarlett will also be there, so I said yes , it might be a way I can actually talk to Scarlett, Luke wanted to make some extra money, so he is watching Yelena.
Jessica is driving me to the interview then she's going to sit in the audience.
As we arrive I see Scarlett, but she totally ignores me,

everyone applauses
JF-So y/n Scarlett rumor has it you guys are dating
Y/n-well rumors are wrong
S-we were dating we're not anymore
My heart dropped
J-if you don't mind me asking why is that
"scar don't" I whisper
S- y/n cheated on me
I immediately look done with tears in my eyes
"With who!" Someone from the audience shouts
"scar don't you dare you'll ruin her marriage" I whisper covering our small mics on our shirts
S-She cheated with Jessica
S-yup..the day of the premier for the marvel movie
Y/n-Jimmy can we cut to commercial?
JF-I guess we're cutting to commercial, we will be right back
I grab Scarlett and take her to the back signaling Jess to follow
I take our mics off and make sure they are muted
Y/n-"What the hell was that Scarlett!.. YOUR PUTTING HER OUT! Ruining her marriage!
S-well you best hope her husband wasn't listening
Y/n-Scarlett what has gotten into you
S-YOU!.. you cheated on me Y/n
Y/n- I know what I did! That doesn't mean tell the world!
JF-guys commercial is almost over
Jess-what you did Scarlett was wrong
S-what your doing is wrong you slept with her and you still are
J-who said we're still sleeping with each other
S-the way you guys act and protect each other, you and her go every where together
JF-lady's let's go
Yeah we're coming Jimmy
JF-Jessica why don't you join us
J-"yeah sure
JF-and we're back!
I sit between Scarlett and Jess cause I know that their both really mad at each other,
I guess they both saw me squeezing my leg cause they both grabbed my hands and held them.
The stress and anxiety is kicking in, and I squeeze my legs or pinch my arms when I feel like there is an attack coming panick or anxiety,
They are both really stressing me out, mainly Scarlett, but even if she was in the wrong she was also in the right, she believes that sense Jess ruined her relationship, she believes she should ruin Jess's to, but I'm also in the wrong I should never of slept with Jess and I shouldn't be staying at her house either, like me and Scarlett didn't break up she just kicked me out, but today she said we were dating, all of this is my fault, everything, this isn't just ruining Scarlett and mine's relationship it's also ruining Christopher's and Jessica's relationship, I think I need to stop staying at Jessica's and end things with her, and go stay in a hotel until I find my own place unless I move back in with Sarah I mean we are back in California I guess I could probably live with her, and I think I might, I mean it is my house.
Sorry it's short but it's updated

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