Author's Note

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When I first started reading "ZooPhobia", Venganza was a character that really stood out to me. First of all, I loved her design; second, I found her role as queen of a rogue vampire clan somewhere beyond Safe Haven's border really cool; and third, she obviously had some history with Zechariah and knew something about him that no one else did. So I did a little more digging and found some old info on her origins, which formed the basis for her backstory (detailed in "H O L Y W A R" and revisited here).

Extra Note: It's always exciting when I find an unused concept and make it into a full-fledged story. It brings a sense of closure to the characters and their storylines, in addition to opening the door for more exploration in the future.

Back to the story...

So, there's gonna be a recurring theme in these post-Convergence stories. Keep an eye on the endings (not this one, but later ones), because they're all going to converge (see what I did there) on a singular storyline.

Now that all that's out of the way, let's go on a trip with Her Majesty Queen Venganza and see if she can find what she lost all those years ago.

7. V E N G A N Z A : RestorationWhere stories live. Discover now