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It has been a very long time since I wanted to do a Modern Military incursion into the Familiar of Zero World, Being in my head and old Ideas files I kept and forgotten about it now has finally come back and thus Marine 325 will write here, a Rewrite of my Old fanfic lost in time and left out because Attack on Titan is darker and fun and still will be, but currently stuck as writer's block and loss of motivation so I decided to do something else in the time being as writing has became one of my permanent hobbies along with playing games and reading books.

This story is set for those who have watched the Anime (Don't know about the Light Novel as I have not read it and Anime is my source) and remember it at the beginning months of its 3rd Season when Saito (Spoilers alert, and our generic MC who is dense) had been resurrected by Tiffiana (half-elf) who becomes part of his Harem (Yes, and I HATE HAREM GENRE for some reason, though there are some exceptions) and back to Louise, this is the point of divulgence I am going to take and the story goes full A.U.

NOTE: Do watch the first two seasons of the Familiar of Zero anime to understand the FOZ side of the story and know the setting of this world and its form of tech and Magic and lore or my all good readers, ya all be confused. Or just read Wikia stuff if lazy.

(But for a safety measure I will leave a short synopsis on what happened before)

Now to the story but first a disclaimer to save me from Copyright and make me broke (again)

I do not own Familiar of Zero nor GATE: Thus the JSDF fought there, they belong to their respective owners.


Halkeginia, Germanian Empire, Royal Palace.

Chaos, the entirety of the Courtroom was in an uproar. Arguments endured between the Pro-Union and Anti-Union parties of the Emperor's court. It was revealed that the Emperor of Germania, Albrecht Friedrich III, had signed a Treaty of Enns.

Under this treaty, peace between the Major powers was guaranteed, allowing them to focus on other endeavors, and limiting the economic strain of maintaining a Highly militarized border.

What was a surprise was the Union between the Germanian Emperor and the Princess of Gallia, Princess Isabella of Gallia. With blessings from the Pope himself, Gallia and Germania are now allies, and a new frontier would be opened in the Sahara, towards the holy lands for the Crusade against the vile elves.

The Emperor's words were final, and the arguments died down. There was no point lingering in the past, only to prepare for the close future. The news of the proclamation spread across all parts of the continent.

A military build-up began for the Crusade. Ten Legions, the largest number of Legions mobilized in History, were being prepared for the invasion, as it was the minimum amount of soldiers needed. Orcs and Trolls, the best shock infantry for Human waves, were conscripted and trained to be the brute force of the army.

Dragons, the aerial units of Germania, were also being mustered in numbers never seen before. The newest unit of Germania, "Musketeers", was being recruited and trained in large numbers. All this preparation was evidence that the Empire was getting ready.

 Neighboring kingdoms of Gallia and frontier nobles from the kingdom of Tristain were observing the build-up. It was impossible to keep it a secret, as even hiding one legion was a mammoth task, let alone ten. In response to this and after receiving letters from the Pope and, Gallia started mobilizing its armies, however, kept the mobilized units as reserves to prevent any escalation and send in as reinforcements in the second wave, the Tristain nobles doubled their border patrols and started recruiting militias.

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