chapter two.

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"sorry to bother you guys, truly." i say to everybody at the table.

"you should come sit and eat with us, i'm sure lucas would be fine with it" Logan says.

"no i don't wan-" i say before i get caught off by junior.

"yeah ivy, come eat with us i'm not gonna eat much so there should be enough food." he says, giving a sarcastic smile.

he read right through me. now he knows damn well i don't wanna intrude but he makes me sit and eat with them anyways. i cant say no right now because everybody is staring at me and if i say no now then i will come off as rude or disrespectful.

"thank you." is all i say as i watch juniors mom pull out a chair for me to sit in.

i sit down in the seat and clear my throat. as juniors mom hands me a slice of pizza.

i listen to jakes uncle and dad talk about work and money problems. jakes dad is drinking and from what i've seen, he's not your typical nice drunk...

i see jake get upset as his dad pours another drink.

lucas already tries to fire up an argument, jake and junior visibly get worried.

"well jun jun has some news" juniors mom says in an attempt to clear the tension.

"mom." he says in annoyance to the nickname she gave him when he was a baby.

"guess who made regionals" she announces, signaling to junior.

i don't think junior actually enjoys cross country or whatever it is the fuck he does, i think his father just wants junior to live out his dreams since he only peaked in high school.

"holy shit, well that's great junior, isn't that great jake?" lucas says. not because he's actually proud of junior but more so to get under jakes skin. compare jake to any other kid just to make him upset.

god i despise lucas. sometimes i wish he would just drop dead.

juniors mom keeps talking about junior going to regionals and i hear junior talk back to her in an annoyed voice. mostly tuning them out and staring at my pizza.

i hear juniors dad come into the conversation, planning juniors whole life for him.

"you're gonna need an extra curricular, harvards gonna want three." logan says, and i watch as junior looks at him upset.

god something is seriously wrong with the parents in this family.

"you know Jake the scouts are taking gays now, you should totally come check it out." Junior says in an attempt to get the attention onto jake instead of himself.

"so what does that mean exactly? eagle scout. do you like...sell the most cookies." jake says in rebuttal putting the attention back onto junior.

"you know while you were up in your room playing with dolls. i organized a whole book drive for the homeless." i can't take it anymore i have to say something.

"you know junior, if you weren't doing it for the credit to get into harvard and just so you have another reason to be a total dick to jake... i just might've cared."

"yeah because keeping up with harry potter is the most pressing issue to the homeless." jake says to junior.

Junior gives jake an angry face and almost looks like he's gonna punch jake. but once again you could cut the tension in this room with a knife.

"so jake, how's the sculpture going?" juniors mom says in an attempt to clear the air once again, but i can't help but feel that she's made it only worse by the look on lucas' face.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Nov 15, 2021 ⏰

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