chapter 4

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"AAAAAA!" Adithya screamed.

His alarm was playing Cpr by cupcakke on full volume.

"oh am i meant to turn this off..😰😰" adi thought in embarrassment.

He tried turning his phone off but that didnt work. The snooze button wouldnt work either, Adithya was in deep stress.

Suddenly he felt loud knocking on the door.


Adi was shaking... the knocking was getting louder and louder but he still wasnt able to turn the music off.

The door quickly bursted open. He saw his friend Praneel.

"UGH GIVE ME THAT" He said angrily .

He Grabbed onto the phone and threw it outside the wolf shaped window. The music finally stopped playing.

"oh am i meant to call my mummy.." he mumbled while a tear rolls down his cheek.

"aww you still call your mummy..are yoh gay or something 😂😂😂😂" Praneel Laughed.
"Good luck on getting a new phone gay freak🤣"

Adi was confused, what has gotten to praneel lately he thought he was his friend, but now he was just being a bully.

"SHIT.. LOOK AT THE TIME..." Praneel points to the clock.

It was 9:00 and classes started at 8:40.

Adi couldn't believe it, he was late to his FIRST alpha high lesson.
"Dont stay here lets go🙄" Says praneel.

He held a random backpack lying around in the room and grabbed onto adis hand. He Was running to class. He Was very athletic, he ran so Fast, adi thought.

The First period was alpha studies, when students learned how to become a better alpha.

"Why are you boys 20 minutes late, this is very..un alpha like." Said the Alpha studies teacher (Mr Lenmon)

"Sorry sir, you see the New boy was quite lost, so Being the amazing alpha i am I Helped him around the school!"

"Hmm..ok ill let you off this time, but if you are late again then you both are staying in my classroom after school😐😐🤤😐"

"Ok!" The Boys said happily.

"Anyways class...where was I...Oh yes...So Here is how you can tell if someone is an omega or not!"

Adi almost got a heart attack... they..wont find out his secret...would they??

"So Number one, Remember to note these down boys! If they are too quiet and polite..This makes them suspicious..youll never know what they might be hiding.."

Adi was Shaking...

"Number two, if they are caring and sensitive."

Adi was going crazy...No one will ever find out his secret right???

The lesson finally ended, Adi felt so relieved.

"Hey u looked a bit stressed during that class😉" Praneel said, teasing the nerd.

"Uhhh Why woulf i be stressed bozo...😐" Adi blurted.

WWEHAT adi thought , WHY DID i SAY THAT.

"b-b-bozo?? i liked it when u called me that😳😳😳🤤🤤🤤😳😳😳" Praneel blushed.

"Wtf u gay Man?!?" Adi said in disgust.

"Na Man Dats U!" Praneel Laughed.

The two were getting along quite well but..adi couldnt keep his mind off that mysterious boy...he wanted the day to end so then the guy can kiss him again, but he Kept that a Secret😉😉😉🤞🤞

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