Chapter 3

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From here on out, chapters will contain spoilers. If you're alright with that, go ahead. If not, come later ^^ Also, Merry Late Christmas. I hope you all had fun and enjoyed yourselves.


"Well, I think this little aquarium of mine is far more suited to your tastes than any normal school."

"You're raising my expectations of this place, you know?"

"And those expectations will be more than met," Kirari replied, her small smirk remaining on her face.

While Y/N and Kirari conversed amongst each other, Isao looked over at the girl who was standing beside the president. The girl turned her head slightly toward him. He bowed his head in a silent greeting. The girl returned the gesture and looked away again.

Kirari then stood up from her chair. "I'd be delighted to show you around."

"Wait, President!" Sayaka shouted, "You shouldn't do that! Allow me to--"

She was immediately silenced by Kirari's cold gaze. "I'm sorry, Sayaka, but these are my guests. I'll be the one showing them around my wonderful aquarium."

"R...Right... Forgive me, President," Sayaka replied, stepping back and bowing her head in shame.

"That's alright," Kirari said, walking toward the doors, "Just make sure it doesn't happen again."

Y/N rose his hand, a smile tugging at his lips as he gave a short greeting to the same girl with the theatrical mask. Like with Isao, she returned the gesture. The doors shut behind Naomi and the rest as they followed behind Kirari. Sayaka, who had noticed the interaction, called out to the girl.

"Vice President, are you also acquainted with them?"

The vice president simply nodded and then made her way out of the student council room, leaving Sayaka alone.


As they walked down the hallway, they saw a few students with tags around their necks. Most were being bullied by others. "What's with all the bullying out in the open?" Naomi asked.

"Housepets," was all Kirari said.

"Housepets, huh?"

"This school is built on the foundation of gambling. If you win, you go up. Lose...and you lose everything, even the rights to your own life."

"Gambling a little too hardcore..." Naomi muttered to herself, taking in all the sights, "You're basically signing your soul away."

She then moved away from a group that was getting a little too close to her.

"But the outcome of it all is what keeps them all playing. Besides..." Kirari replied, "It's an aquarium... Fishes don't escape their confinement so easily."

They eventually came to where all the classrooms were located. Kirari stopped at a spot where a gamble had already commenced. She smirked. "I've recently heard of a girl transferring here as well. I think...she'll pique your interest as much as she's piqued mine."

Y/N stepped in, observing as two girls were sitting at opposite ends of each other. In their hands were cards, each with a different hand drawn on them.

"Rock, paper, scissors!"

When they laid out their selected cards in front of each other, the crowd could see that they both drew rock. "Well, a draw, eh?" a girl with blonde hair said, her lips curling into a grin, "Let's do it again."

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