Chapter 4

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"That's absurd! I won't be a party to this!" Mary exclaimed, turning her head away.

"Don't tell me you're getting cold feet."

At that, Mary stopped in her tracks, remembering those exact words coming from her mouth. She turned back to Yumeko, riled up by the taunt. She grit her teeth, enraged by the look of arrogance on the black-haired girl's face.

You stupid daughter of a rich boy, underestimating me!

On the sidelines, Ryota was watching in disbelief. The events that had unfolded in front of him seemed almost unbelievable.

What's going on...? Taking part in this insane gambling game so soon after transferring here... How can you be so calm about it?

Yumeko giggled as she reached into the metal box. "These large wagers do make my heart race," she said.


With arms folded, Mary narrowed her gaze on Yumeko. 

Damn... Acting so nonchalant... We're talking ten million yen. Don't you get that?

The aura around the blonde grew heavy, regaining all her arrogance from a moment ago.

Well, who cares? I'm going to win anyway. After all...

The scowl on her face vanished in an instant. In its place sprouted the most disdainful smirk.

Of the 30 voters, up to 21 will vote in my favor. Whether it's their debt I'm covering or their standing in the classroom. There are all sorts of reasons...

The students that all stood to watch had lifeless expressions on their faces. It was as if all their happiness had been snatched away from them.

But at any rate, my 21 servants will vote the way I want them to every time. 

Inside the metal box were many cards with drawings of rock and paper. But with the two of those making up the majority, it meant that the chances of drawing scissors were slim.

Even if Yumeko were to draw scissors, the odds are even less she'd throw it. In other words, as long as I throw out paper, I'll never lose.

Mary held her cards tightly in her hand, glancing over to Yumeko, who was looking over her own cards with an unchanging expression.

Still... I have to worry about not drawing paper myself...

The blonde moved her gaze away from Yumeko and down to her cards. Her hand consisted of two paper and one rock. She didn't try to hide it. Instead, a shit-eating grin tugged at her lips.

Two papers. It doesn't get better than that! I win!

Her expression quickly softened as she smiled over at Yumeko. "Have you decided your move?"

But she didn't get a response. Instead, Yumeko was staring down at her cards with a stone-hard expression. 

"What's wrong?" Mary asked. "You only have three cards. So, what good will it do to hesitate?"

"Did you think I wouldn't catch on?"

Mary raised her eyebrows. "Huh?"

Yumeko looked up from her cards and at the blonde, her gaze seemingly piercing through her. "Everyone is collaborating with you, isn't that right, Mary?

At the doorway, Y/N couldn't help the small smirk that made its way onto his face. He had been wondering if Yumeko would ever realize. But now, he was even more amused by the fact that Mary had been so bad at hiding it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2022 ⏰

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