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The first rays of the morning sun peaked through the window, highlighting his tanned skin. I watched him as he slept soundly. The tips of my fingers traced his chest.

"Eren"  a whisper not intended for him to hear.

My hand travels up to his neck.

"Would you love me knew the real me?"

I could feel his pulse beneath my hand.

"If you knew that I-"

"EREN!" Armin shouted with multiple voices following behind him

'Fuck! They can't see us like this'

Eren jolted out of his sleep "Hide under the bed quickly!" He rubbed his face. I crawled underneath only to find my robe still on the floor. I reached out to grab it but the door swung open.

"We can't find (YN) and Onyankopon is-"  Armin took two steps into the room. Eren sat up in the bed, the covers slipping to his waist. It was pretty obvious from the clothes on the floor that he lacked any in the bed.

"Why-why are you naked?"
Eren watched the blonde's eyes tick away and finally land on the silk robe. Armin quickly shoved it under the bed.
Within a few seconds, the rest of the crew stood by the doorway. "You sleep naked?" Connie scratched his head.
"Yes, I do! Now why are you all disturbing my sleep!"
Mikasa hid her face with the red scarf she treasured. But her eyes never left the bottom half of Eren.

"We can't find (YN), When was the last time you saw her?" Jean asked
"Yesterday at dinner like everyone else" the Yeager ran a hand threw his hair.
"You two were talking closely, what was it about?" Mikasa chipped in.
"Uh- nothing really just about the food" Eren hoped they bought his lie.
"You needed to whisper that in her ear?" She questioned.
"Yes the room was loud" Eren shrugged "Why were you watching me anyway?"

"I-I" Mikasa stammered. An awkward silence ensued.
"We should let Eren get dressed, If you see (YN) tell her to find Onyankopon" Armin shoved everyone out of the room.
"Sure thing"

Once the room was silent Eren peaked under the bed. "That was close" he winked helping me out.
"I wonder why Yanks is searching for me?" I leaned on him, his arms wrapped around me.
"He can wait a little longer" Eren planting kisses on me.
"Round 2?"
"Yes please"

After the second session, I parted ways with him. Sneaking back to the showers and then back to my room.
I couldn't hide the smile on my face.
He had me smitten
His touch and his lips lingered on my skin.

I fixed my uniform in the mirror, my fingers on the edge of my lips.
All I could think about was kissing him again.
"You look awfully happy" Onyankopon's voice startled me, when did he get in my room?

"Where the hell have you been?!" He closed the door behind him. I could see the stress on his face.
"I-I was just taking a stroll, y-you know looking around why?"
He observed me for a moment.
"Tell me the truth" his tone cold
"That is the truth" I looked back into the mirror.
"Fine- it's not like I can force you but-" he stood behind me, watching me in the mirror "you know if anything had happened to you I would be seriously fucked!"
"I'm fine-"
"(YN) look around you! you've walked into a war for goodness sake. This isn't like back home...I know they treat you kindly but they can hurt you okay?"

"I'll be more careful next time..I'm sorry Yanks"
"Thank you" he placed a hand on my shoulder
"You know it's been months and you haven't explained why you came looking for me"
"So I can't look for my best friend?"
"The real reason. Here you go keeping secrets again. Just be straight up with me for once"

I couldn't do that, not now, it was too late. If he knew he would force me to go back home.
I stayed quiet.

"Fine" he sighed "come let's eat breakfast."
I followed behind him.

In the dining hall, everyone greeted me, they all looked worried.
I felt a little guilty since I was hiding in Eren's room and they really had nothing to worry about.

"Oh you found her" I could hear Eren's voice from behind me.
I faced him.
"You alright?" His voice low, he stood way closer than he needed to.
He was giving me that look-
"Joining us for breakfast?" I gestured to the table where our friends began sitting down. I stepped back putting space between us.

We both sat down and Onyankopon sat opposite me. I could feel his eyes on me as I interacted with Eren.
"[YN]" Onyankopon called for me in our native tongue.
I kept quiet ignoring him
"[YN]" Again but this time his voice was harsh
"[what!]" I slammed my fork down but something else happened Eren and Armin both stared at me intently like they were frozen for a second.

"Excuse me" I got up leaving the room.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2023 ⏰

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