Chapter Three: Gleaming Veil

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<< 7:43am - Wednesday, August 23 >>

Arianna pushed through the school doors, Charlotte right by her side. Arianna tapped the side of her steel mug. Would the coffee last her to the end of the day? Probably not. But even if she drank it all, class kept her engaged enough to stay awake.

Arianna dangled her backpack off of one arm to access the bottle pocket. Perhaps she'd have to ration out her energy to where she doesn't fall asleep in the middle of class. By the time she swung her backpack onto her shoulders, Charlotte had turned the corner.

Arianna sighed, but refused to change her pace. They shared the same destination. What difference does it make if they walk there together or separately?

She remained on the path to find Charlotte stopped at the center of the hallway. Other students walked around her. "Oh no..." Charlotte said once Arianna got close enough.

Arianna slowed down. "Did you... leave something at home?"

"No..." Charlotte refused to look Arianna in the eye. She focused on the object in front of her. "The display case! It... they changed out the photos."

Arianna never paid any sort of attention to what the display cases exhibited. Usually, the school only wanted to show off their student's talents, and when Arianna found a photo of herself in the case, she thought she didn't look attractive. Most of the time, she wore an expression that made her feel awkward. As of right now, the art directors mounted some matted and signed works. Charlotte's concern made no sense to Arianna. The art department always found ways to show off the skills of their students, hence the painted canvases from yesterday. "... Why does what the art department puts on display cause you so much... interest?" Arianna tilted her head.

"They had photos from last year's Winter and Spring Musicals there for the past few days... You and I looked so good in them..."

Arianna analyzed the pieces in the display further. She had always respected the artists for their help with creating sets for the productions, something she could never do herself. Everything they did was never anything short of incredible. They must've spent hours perfecting every inch. It was the third day of school... No way they'd be able to finish these pieces unless the artists had no lives outside of their craft.

An inked watercolor piece hooked Arianna in. The natural blooms of the medium lured her in further. The splashes of color combined with the harsh ink outlines formed a figure standing atop a building with the wind flowing majestically in her auburn hair. The figure wore a white super suit with gold accents scattered throughout. A headpiece carried a veil which fell before her eyes, but the cover didn't hide the green that shone through. Arianna's attention had not yet faltered...

The body type, the height, weight, features... the motifs of light... the bracelet...

The same bracelet Arianna wore on her arm.

That girl... with the sketchbook... The artist behind this piece had to have been her. No one else would have known about the oddities of the bracelet. No way the girl told anyone. Her behavior towards Arianna on Monday had been so terse.

No one else would've had the nerve to create this piece. "How fucking DARE she!" Arianna screamed at the display case.

"Aria, watch your language." Charlotte studied the piece. "Personally, I prefer paintings that don't show that much skin..."

Arianna scanned the piece for any sort of signature. The signatures lived on the bottom right corner of the other pieces, but this one... lacked a name. She searched the contents of the piece. She searched it twice. The picture plane had to contain some sort of signature... "Charlotte... Do you have any idea who created this piece?"

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