No Ordinary Girl

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When two people live such a different life, getting together usually means that one person out of the two is giving up something to be together. This was certainly the case with Jenny and David. When Jenny was free, David was not, and vice versa.

For years David gave up commercial shoots or red carpet events just to see Jenny. While Jenny delayed homework first from High school, then from college. She gave up tutoring sessions and babysitting gigs. Sometimes even skipping class.

When you love someone giving up these things hardly feel like much. So that's how these two made their relationship work. Seeing each other every other month for the past 5 years, but making the most of the time, they had together.

This didn't mean their ride was an easy one. They fought and cried, had misunderstandings, and forgot to communicate with each other. Still, today, as Jenny prepared for her last final in college for her Healthcare Admin Degree, she couldn't help but wonder what her boyfriend was up to tonight. She knew he had just wrapped up recording an album, which meant he should have some downtime soon. The last time after his album wrapped, he was able to take 2 weeks off and see Jenny.

At around 2 o'clock in the morning, just as she was putting her book away to call it a night, she heard a periodic tapping on her window. Thinking it was just the sounds the night made, she ignored it and got into bed. Tap! Tap! She heard it 2 more times. Finally, too lazy and downright exhausted to move, she just let the noise continue until the tapping turned into a distant voice.

"Jenny!" the voice got louder.

As soon as she recognized it, Jenny snapped up in her bed and leaped out to the bedroom window, the one transporting the voice to her. The window exposed the view of her backyard, and today had a man waiting in front of some of the bushes planted by the neighbor's fence. He was beaming at Jenny.

"Oh, you're up?" He cheekily said.

"I think the whole neighborhood might be up after hearing your scream. You might have blown our 5-year secret relationship in one fell swoop." Jenny rebuked. "I thought you weren't going to be done till after my exam?"

"This album is going to suck because I rush it all so I can come to see you!" He retorted. "I am coming up!"

"Use the front door, Romeo!" She suggested.

They both parted from their partial view of each other and headed towards the front door, the same door David had punched Jimmy by. Jenny got to the door before David, opened it, and stuck her head out to see how far her boyfriend was. He appeared from the left side of the house. Even in the dim street lights, Jenny could see his hair was messy, and the bags under his eyes were dark and puffy.

Finally, David walked up to Jenny.

"Hello stranger!" he beamed.

"Hey," she softly said.

They both giggled and gave each other a tight hug, swaying like an old clock gong.

"I miss you!" David said, slightly letting go so that they faced each other.

"Me too!" Jenny said. In this position, she had to tippytoe to give him a kiss, so she did. Her quick light peck was returned by a longing kiss from David.

After a few moments, Jenny asked David in.

"Mom is home tonight," Jenny warned. "So let's behave."

"Ok!" he whispered. "I just want to sleep." He tiredly said.

They made their way into Jenny's room. As soon as David stepped in, he took all his clothes off, leaving only the boxers, and jumped into Jenny's bed. Now slightly bigger than when he first slept in it.

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