Chapter Four

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Karma’s a Bitch

Chapter Four

 “Don’t you think we should know a bit about our target?” Poison questioned, her straight hair flying out from behind her as we jumped through the trees. I wonder what she uses to get her hair to stay like that. 


 They both stopped moving, Poison folding her arms over her chest. Why was she so goddamn sassy? Really?

 I wonder how much trouble I would get in if I just left them. 

 Rolling my eyes, I stopped, too. They were more trouble than they were worth. 


 They wrapped their index fingers together, for courage, I assumed. Bane was the one to speak first. 

 “We want answers-”

 “-we’ve been assigned to this mission, too.”

 Please tell me they were joking. 

 Before I could stop myself, short (bath rather disturbing) giggles escaped past my lips- making me seem deranged, no doubt. But, I had to admit, it was funny. 

 How naïve they were. 

 “I was assigned this mission. You’re nothing but the tag along. I don’t even need you.”

 Bane scowled. 

 “But, if you must…” I sighed. They really were bothersome. “Uchiha Itachi.”

 Poison let out a little snort, almost cutely. I fucking hate girls like her.  “What’s so great about him?”

 Again, how obliviously ignorant they were was beyond pathetic. What was so great about Uchiha Itachi? Idiot. 

 “Few years ago, in the Leaf Village- You know what that is, right?- a massacre occurred. And, it wasn’t just any killing spree. No, it was the Uchiha Massacre. There was no one left, but Itachi’s younger brother- Sasuke. 

 “And, you know who did it? Itachi. He single-handedly wiped out Konoha’s strongest clan. His family, friends, lover.”

 Poison visibly shivered, grabbing a hold of her brother’s arm. The way they acted with each other disgusted me to no end. But, right now, nothing could ruin this for me. 

 Not even brats with incestual tendencies. 

 “Do you know how exciting this is?”

 “Sounds scary.” Poison mumbled, hiding behind Bane’s muscled physique. Again, she was pathetic. 

 My grin grew, filling me with the type of elation I rarely experienced. The anticipation. “I’m going to kill Uchiha Itachi!” 

~      ~      ~

 Silently, I gave them the signal to fall back. If this was going to work, I needed them to do exactly as I said. Even on such a short notice. Especially as we drew closer to where my intended target was. 

 It didn’t matter if I would get in trouble when this was all over with. All I cared about was Itachi’s head. 

 Silently, I crept forward, crouching behind the underbrush. If I were lucky, this little hiding spot would conceal me until at least his partner left. If not….well, Bane and Poison have led a rather fulfilling life, I suppose. 

 I mean, either way, I probably would have killed them in the end. 

 My eyes followed the two, carefully analyzing their appearances. Both supported the distinct Akatsuki cloak. It was tacky, and offered no sort of camouflage. So, why they wore it, I didn’t know. 

 They were ugly. 

 My thoughts on their clothes were momentarily put to an end, however, as I opted to holding my breath-courtesy of Kisame. Fish boy turned around, suspicious eyes raking over the trees. 

 But, honestly, if they didn’t know I was here by now, they really were sad excuses for ninja. Much less members of the Akatsuki. 

 I sighed. It looks as if Kisame wouldn’t be leaving on his own, after all. Fine. I’ll just have to get to Itachi, myself. 

 My eyes flitted to where Poison was, and that one second it  took me to look away was the moment I left myself open for an attack. 

 Well, fuck.


Duodenum. I don’t know why I even try. No one reads this story. Whatevs I like it because karma is perf so swagswagswagSWAGWAGYOLOHASTAG420 ok I need to stop. 

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