Amalgam Witch Idea: "Tanaquil"

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Tanaquil, of Etruscan Origin, means "Gift of God". An intriguing name of an ancient Etruscan queen renowned for her prophetic powers.

Name: Tanaquil
Nature: Covetous
Title(s): The Reality-Warping Witch

Appearance & Information: A large, diagonal octagonal prism with four sets of wings extending from her back. She holds images of different galaxies within her prism, but refuses to let their light show due to her obsession with collecting realities and keeping them for herself. Any realities she deems imperfect are manipulated into portions of her labyrinth, extending across multiple timelines and dimensions, so she may manually fix whatever she deems is wrong within it.

Amalgamation of Brigid, the Mirror Witch (Kazuya Hana), Homulilly, the Mortal World Witch (Homura Akemi), and Mara Delilah, the Hide-And-Seek Witch (Michiko Nori).

Homulilly represents time, having mastered the manipulation of entire timelines, Mara Delilah represents space, with her ability to create pocket dimensions to seclude herself inside of, and Brigid represents matter; The host witch that Homulilly and Mara Delilah became a part of. The three of them combined together forms a being capable of bending reality itself to her will. Under her rule, the rules of time do not apply. The rules of space do not apply. The only rules that apply are the rules that Tanaquil enforces, and she will allow nothing to get in her way.

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