Nintendo switch

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Hey guys it's Ariana and welcome back so I am not dead I started college back in August and it's hard so I'm so sorry for not really posting much and secondly I can't write anyway because no one has requested anything at all recently and I just want to let you know my requests are always open and ready for you and if you guys would be so kind and comment on the last thing I wrote and that was avengers and Harry Potter crossover and comment what you think about that.
Ok now down to what I came here for I am getting a Nintendo switch next week and i wanted to know What you guys like the most
1. Regular switch
2. Switch lite
3. New switch OLED

Let me know in the comments below what you guys like best and what you think I should get and which one you recommend and the reason I ask is because the Nintendo I have right now is the 3DS so that baby needs to be replaced so I'm asking for your help and why not while your add it add your top 5 favorite games and what games you want me to get that's all I have for now so please comment and request bye guys

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