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"Are you ready?" Regulus asks, staring straight ahead.

Summer had come to a close, the long nights and warm mornings were fading much quicker than Cassiopeia Black preferred. Like most children, Cassie couldn't wait to step onto the large scarlet-colored train and back to Hogwarts. Half of her silky black hair was pinned back perfectly, leaving no hair untamed while the other half was curled just right. She was already dressed in her Uniform and a shiny silver badge with the word prefect pinned to her robes. She looked like the definition of elegance and class, exactly how her mother liked it. Beside her, Regulus was nearly identical, only minor things separating the pair.

They were the Black twins, defining Pureblood perfection with every step they took.

"Yes," Cassie said softly.

Their family name had slightly faltered last year when Sirius left home. It placed more pressure on Cassie and Regulus to do better. Cassie still loved him and understood why he had done it, but she couldn't help resenting him all the same.

While Sirius had it hard, Cassie had it harder. She was her mother's biggest disappointment. Walburga had never gone in to see a healer when she had found out she was pregnant, already expecting a boy. Regulus was born first and her parents had been ecstatic, another heir for Walburga to coddle. But when the healer instructed the witch to push, she was left with false hope as they announced it was a girl.

Surprisingly, it was Orion who had developed a soft spot for the young girl, protecting her from Walburga's wrath as much as he could. Unfortunately, it wasn't very often, as he worked long hours at the Ministry as a high-ranking official.

"Walk faster, Cassiopeia." Her mother hissed harshly from behind, making Cassie shudder.

"Yes, Mother."

"Now you two," Walburga asked, pulling them to a halt. She reached for Regulus' robes to brush of invisible dust. "What did we say to do if Sirius approaches you?" Her lips were pursed at the mention of the eldest son's name.

"Say nothing and walk away, don't give him the time of day." The twins recited from memory. It was one of the many ridiculous rules Walburga had drilled into their heads the moment Sirius left the family.

"Very good," She said with no real pride. "Shoulders back, Cassiopeia. No one likes a sloucher."

"Yes, Mother." Cassie bit back the urge to roll her shoulder further forward, just to spite her.

Walburga hummed in satisfaction, turning her attention purely back on her favorite child. "Regulus darling, how are things with the little blonde girl? Greengrass, was it?" She had opted out of reprimanding him for slouching as well. The double standards were agonizing.

"Yes, Aquila Greengrass. And we're not-" He paused and chanced a look at his sister, one she couldn't bear to meet. "We aren't together anymore, I had some... issues with her brother."

Her mother sent a glare in her daughter's direction, "They're the ones Cassiopeia caused, aren't they?" Walburga snapped. Cassie wanted to hide from her mother's harsh gaze but ultimately held her ground, infuriating her mother even more.

"What? No." Regulus asked, looking scandalized. Orion had yet to say anything, though he looked on the verge of chastising Regulus. "What happened between Deacon and I isn't Cassiopeia's fault. Cassiopeia is blameless in this, she did nothing wrong. His actions aren't her fault, if anything, she's the victim."

Walburga, had, of course, blamed Cassie for what happened."Maybe if she hadn't been such a—" Walburga began but was soon cut off by Orion.

"Walburga." Orion sneered at his wife, effectively silencing her. "If Regulus said it wasn't her fault, then it wasn't her fault. End of discussion. I don't ever want to hear you imply such things about my daughter ever again. Are we clear?" Orion raised a brow at his wife and began walking again as soon as she nodded in response. "And Regulus, don't slouch, it's unbecoming."

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