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But you are. Cassie clung onto those three words like they were her lifeline. The way they made her feel was almost indescribable, almost too much for her to handle. When they fell from his lips, she wanted to hear them again and again, until he couldn't say them anymore. It was wrong for those three small words to give her hope, but they did. And she loved it.

James Potter did something to Cassie that no other man has ever been able to. She desired him. More than anything, she wanted him. And she hated herself for it.

James didn't belong to her, and he never would. But it wasn't just his words that gave her hope - it was him too. Since that night, James had been more flirtatious than normal, he wanted to spend more time with Cassie. She almost agreed to it too, but she had yet to talk to Regulus. She wasn't going to go behind his back and disregard everything he's worked hard to put in place for Cassie, but she wanted to be able to live her life the way she pleased. Maybe it was time for Cassie to finally give up on trying to meet Walburga's expectations. Because to her, Cassie would forever be the daughter she never wanted.

Walburga's disappointment was the least of Cassie's worries today. Today was the day she was going to talk to Regulus. She'd beg him if she had to, just for a chance at a normal school year. Away from her mother's smothering hold. She just wanted a year with little to no concerns.

But what was really concerning Cassie was the fact that she and Severus currently weren't speaking. He was upset with how James was treating Cassie, and she agreed with him to an extent. But she didn't want to give it up, not just yet. Severus didn't like that - he didn't want to sit back and watch Cassie just allow James to walk all over her. It had only been a day, but she already missed him. She couldn't stand the idea of Severus being angry at her.

That's how she found herself in her brother's dorm with his best friend that Friday morning. Adrian was always a constant in her life. They hardly ever fought and Adrian was always there for Cassie, no matter what. She was snuggled up in Regulus' blanket on Adrian's bed - her brother and his other roommates were already at breakfast. But Adrian immediately agreed to stay behind when Cassie asked him in the common room, leaving Regulus and Lina to walk to breakfast by themselves. Much to their dismay.

They needed to be alone together if Cassie was honest. Perhaps without an audience, Lina and Regulus would sort out their issues.

"I just don't know what to do anymore," Cassie whispered sadly, resting her head on Adrian's shoulder. "I just can't seem to win."

Cassie could feel Adrian let out a sigh, placing his head on hers. "Severus will come around eventually, he's a very stubborn man."

"I've never seen him so upset with me before," Cassie moved to pull the blanket tightly around her. "He hardly even spoke to me yesterday in potions, he just told me to go sit with James."

"I don't disagree with him," Adrian shrugged, pushing her head off his shoulder in the process. "James Potter is a prick. And I'm sorry, but what he's doing to you isn't right. Severus is only trying to look out for you."

"I know-"

"Hear me out," Adrian put a hand up, cutting her off. "But you like him, and that's enough for me. Severus has a long history with Potter, you can't expect him to just be okay with it. That's not how he works."

Cassie blinked. She hadn't even thought to consider how Severus was processing it all, she had been so focused on herself. "Gods, I'm a horrible friend."

Adrian let out a soft chuckle, placing his hand on hers, looking up. "No, not horrible. Just a little confused."

"Thank you, Adrian." Cassie looked deep into his eyes. They were a gorgeous sparkling blue that reminded her of the ocean, and slightly of sapphires. "Whatever would I do without you?"

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