1.2 Tristan Dugray

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Sorry for the long wait! Both school and my personal life has been a bit overwhelming. If you need anyone to talk to feel free to message me :)

Onto the story!

Part 2

Tristan and I were laying on Tristan's bed. I was reading 'The Picture of Dorian Gray' and Tristan was doing homework on his laptop. It was nearing the time for when I had to go to the meetup that was planned earlier today, and Tristan had to leave soon to go meet up with other people himself.

"Okay, the suspense is killing me. What did Mary say?" He said, interrupting the silence.

I sighed, not quite knowing how to say it to him without breaking the guy's heart. "She said that there were reasons why Dean and her broke up, and from what I'm guessing, she may have another guy in the picture." I asked Louis for some gossip about it after talking to Rory. Now, I don't condone breaking other people's trust- and while that was not my best move- Tristan's heart was on the line. I barely knew Rory. If I had to pick between my loyalty towards my best friend and Rory's, I'd pick my loyalty towards Tristan any day. "And stop calling her Mary, you asshat."

Tristan ignored me and dramatically flopped onto his bed, disturbing my annotation session. I sighed once more and shook my head before putting the book and my pencil case away. I wasn't going to have much opportunity to read anyways if Tristan suddenly decided to stop working and rip my ear out from the chatter.

"Did she say anything else about me? Who was that you were talking to, by the way? I saw you guys looking over at him a couple of times. Is he the other guy?"

"No, Tristan. Rory just told me she saw him look at our way a couple of times and he later asked me if I could help him catch up on a subject we both had."

Tristan smirked, "Oh so you have a date, eh?"

Someone shoot me with a gun, and make sure it's quick. I've suffered enough in this life.

"Tristan if you don't shut up I will shove this book down your throat." I threatened.

He kept smirking and placed his hands up in a surrender type of motion and walked back to his desk.

Neither of us talked about Candon until Wednesday.


"Tristan, I will NOT blow Candon off for you. We've already made the reservations in the library anyway. You can survive a day without me, you clingy dog." I grumbled. The git kept forgetting I had things to do today that did not involve him.

"But Lynn," He whined. My cheeks burned red at the sound he made. My mind shouldn't have immediately had dirty thoughts when it heard that sound, but it did. I doubt Tristan was a whiner in the bedroom anyways, Right, enough talking about the bedroom.

"No, Tristan. I gave my word, you git, and I'm not taking it back." I grumbled once more while I made my way to the library. Tristan ran and caught up with me before he slung his arm on my shoulder, bringing me closer.

"If I didn't know better, Love, I'd say you were trying to get rid of me."

"Really? What gave it away?" I rolled my eyes.

He groaned before complaining about how he would be so bored while I was away and how I really should just ditch Candon and he'd just convince Paris to tutor him.

I snorted, like Paris would ever go near Candon. There wasn't anything wrong with him, Paris just hates interacting with people more than me. Also, that fucking groan, if there is a hell in the afterlife I'm definitely going there because of the thoughts that were going through my brain. Fucking hormones, and stupid Tristan.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2022 ⏰

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