Day Four

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March 2005.

From the perspective of a student at Kingston Academy, it was obvious that the feud between Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson had become more intense. Their pranks had advanced from childish graffiti and tripping each other over in the precinct to more creative attempts to either humiliate or get the other in trouble. It was unknown what had changed between them, but it seemed Louis wasn't the only person Harry picked on anymore either. Although the bookish artist remained to carry the brunt of Harry's frustrations, many Year Sevens had complained about the Year Ten football captain who pushed them around for no reason.

The week had started how it usually started; Harry spitting paper at Louis during form, through a biro like a blow dart. Louis ignored him, and the giggles that followed, as he continued to sketch the portrait he was attempting of his mother for her upcoming birthday. But when a shoulder roughly jostled his arm, causing Louis' hand to draw a messy, thick, pencil line off the page, that was when he spoke up.

"Can you fucking not?" he shouted at Harry who was standing behind him with a pleased grin on his face.

"Louis!" Mrs Gray scolded. "Watch your language or you're going to your head of year."

"Look what he did, Miss!" Louis held up the unfinished drawing.

Mrs Gray put her head in her hands. "It's too early for this," she mumbled. "Okay! Harry, stay on your side of the classroom and quit bugging Louis. Louis, stay put and don't... draw attention to yourself." She shook her head and returned to her computer screen.

Louis blinked at her. What was he supposed to do with that information when he wasn't trying to draw attention to himself in the first place?

Harry's phone vibrated from his pocket and he flipped it open. A smirk spread to his face. "Yeah, whatever, I'm going for a piss," he said, shoving his phone back in his blazer and heading for the door. Mrs Gray merely glanced up at him, watching him walk out of the door. There was a time that she would've stopped him, to get him to ask to go, but those days were long gone. It wasn't even nine o'clock and she already had a headache. She swore that after her form left school, she was retiring.

Louis heard the toilet door outside of their form room swing shut and he rolled his eyes. He should've known Harry Styles would use the staff toilet as opposed to the student toilets down the corridor. He raised his hand and Mrs Gray answered with a bored, "Yes, Louis?"

"Can I return my book to the library?" he asked.

"Quickly, but you should've done it before form started."

"Yes, Miss. Sorry, Miss."

As Louis was walking back down the hallway from the library, he heard peculiar noises and looked around to see that the staff toilet outside of their form room was still occupied. It wasn't a toilet many people used; it was a singular stall that the receptionist used more than anyone and every student but Harry, clearly, knew not to use it. Louis slowly peered his head around his form room door to see that Harry was still absent.

Harry was in there with someone.

Louis stepped closer to the door and shuddered when a low groan - Harry's low groan - echoed in Louis' ears. He could've sworn he heard a female's breathy voice whisper, "Oh, Harry, yes!" straight after.

The cleaner had left a mop and bucket outside of the toilet - clearly just finishing up cleaning it - and Louis had an idea.

Call it part revenge and part teaching a lesson for having underage sex in a fucking school! his subconscious persuaded him.

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