Chapter 25

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 Chapter 25

Anneliese P.O.V

I had a huge grin on my face as I entered the house, "Hey how did things go?" Andy asked from the living room.

"Good," I replied as I walked to him, he was sprawled out on the couch watching tv. He took one look at my face and smiled "Wow look at you, why are you so happy?" he asked sitting up.

I smiled more "No reason," I shrugged "Things just went really well with Gabriel" I said smiling when I said his name.

Andy cocked his head to the side "Oh yeah? So you guys aren't fighting anymore?" he asked.

I shook my head "Things are actually going really well between us Andy" I told him.

He smiled at that "Well that's great Annie! Maybe you should spend the night more often over at his house" he winked.

I rolled my eyes "Nothing like that happened" I slightly felt my cheeks warming up as I remembered the way we kissed so passionately.

"Sure, that's why his smell is all over you" he laughed.

My cheeks got hotter "I smell like him?" I asked.

He nodded "You stink like werewolf," he scrunched his nose playfully.

Huh, funny, I didn't find Gabriel's scent unlikable anymore. "Well I'm going to take a shower then" I said standing up.

"Wait Annie," he sat up more "So things are really going good between you guys?" he asked.

I couldn't help but smile "Yes, Andy he's such a funny person, he was so sweet with me" I said remembering the way we laughed in his car and all the compliments he gave me.

"I'm glad you're noticing, Gabriel really loves you Annie" he smiled.

I nodded in agreement "I can see that" I said feeling warm all over, I was about to turn around to go to my room when Andy spoke again "And you?" he asked.


"Do you feel anything for him?" he asked.

I turned to face him and really thought about his question "I'm not sure yet," I finally answered "I mean, I like him now that I'm getting to know him better" I said.

"But you don't feel love for him?" he asked.

I thought deeply before answering again "In all honesty Andy, I think I'll always be in some kind of love with him" I replied with a smile.

He looked genuinely happy for me and he grinned "Well I'm glad Annie, I hope things continue being good between you guys. You both deserve to be happy again" he said.

"I want him to be happy" I nodded agreeing with him. It was weird but that's what I wanted, to see Gabriel laughing and smiling more often. He always seemed so tired, afraid to say something I wouldn't like. Seeing him relaxed and laughing was a nice change, it brightened him up.

"I'm proud of you sis, for really trying to make this work" he said.

I beamed at that, "Thanks, I really want things to stay good between us Andy, who knows maybe one day I can get to the point where we used to be" I said hopefully.

"Your memory will come back I'm sure of it" he replied.

"Let's hope" I smiled "I'm gonna shower" I declared turning towards my room.

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