Chapter 9

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Cole P.O.V

"LET ME GO! LET ME GO!" Andy was trashing around desperately.

I sneered at him "Why would I do that?" I asked.


"Really Andy I told you not to make any threats, if you want the life of your precious sister not to end then I suggest you stay quiet" I sneered wider.

That got him to instantly shut up and his lips pressed into a hard line, he glared at me with such hate I couldnt help but laugh "Stop looking at me that way" I laughed harder.

He growled and strained against the chains more, "You son of a b-"

"I thought I told you to shut up" I interrupted raising an eyebrow.

He growled in frustration "LET GO OF ME YOU COWARD!" he yelled struggling against the chains more, "LET ME GO!" he continued to yell.

I sighed in delight and shook my head, if only Brent was here to see this, he'd be more than proud! I had captured his ex girlfriends vampire brother, it hadnt been too hard either!

"Matt," I called out crossing my arms.

He appeared in a second looking pleased I had called him, "Yeah?" he asked practically bouncing on the spot ready to do any command I ordered.

"Bring me the syringes, I think our little friend here needs to learn a lesson" I smiled widely.

Matt immediately zoomed out of the room and was back in a second with a metal box in his arms, he grinned at me "These ones?" he asked opening the box revealing all of the different types of injections we had been experimenting on.

"Yes, thank you Matt you're very helpful" I said smirking at his stupid pleased face, he was only 14 and willing to do anything I said. I have to admit even though he's young he's very useful, I was glad I had decided to change him.

He watched with eager eyes as I slowly approached Andy, "What do you say Matt, should we try this on him? Should we begin experimenting?" I teased grinning at Andy.

His bright red eyes looked at me with impossibly more hate and his lips curled so his fangs were visible.

"He'd be a great test subject" Matt nodded eagerly playing around also.

"Yes I think he would be," I joked grabbing one of the syringes and showing it to Andy teasingly, "What do you say Andy? Are you ready for another dose of tranquilizer?" I asked.

He backed away just an inch, "Get that thing away from me!" he growled.

"Come on, you look a little....tense" I laughed.

"Let me go!" he snapped angrily "You're such a coward Cole! You, Brent, you're both the same! You know we're stronger than you weak pathetic cowards and so the only way you can beat us is by drugging us? You're pathetic!" he spat.

I could feel my eyes darkening with anger and my temper flared up "The more you talk the more you're dooming your sister," I warned usually if I mentioned his sister he'd immediately shut up.

"You wont touch her!" he snapped pulling on the chains "I swear if you do I'll rip your throat off!" he threatened.

I chuckled "You'll rip my throat off? I want to see that" I laughed walking towards him.

"Unchain me!" he hissed.

"Really, you're not helping your poor sister" I laughed.

He tensed up "You wont be able to get to her! Everyone from the pack will protect her, you'll have a werewolf's jaw through your skull before you can touch one single hair of hers!" he said confidently.

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