What If...Eda met Camila as a teen? Part 1

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The Sorcerer stood, watching the views of a thousand universes. His cape fluttered in a nonexistent wind, making him look at it. "Stop that." He said softly to it. Immediately it stopped waving, but poked him with one of it's points around the collar, before pointing at one of the facets. "You want to see that one?" The sorcerer shrugged, before levitating himself up to the face, to observe the universe it showed.

Location: Gravesfield, some time ago

A patch of air suddenly shimmered, before a door unlike any other simply folded into existence from the shimmer. When the final part hit the ground, it opened, and a young witch with orange hair toppled out. "Ow....." She said, getting back up. "I need to stop tripping over my staff." Her palisman, Owlbert, hooted in response. "Yes, Owlbert, I have my potions for my curse. Now lets go party!" She said, pumping her fists into the air.

In town, Eda stole a hoodie off a clothesline in order to hide her ears, before making her way to a bus-stop, bound for Las Vegas. However, on her way there, she caught site of a group of people, who seemed to be surrounding something. Curiosity got the best of her, and she peered in to see a Latina girl being hit by another girl.

"Why don't you just run back to Mexico, freak?" The girl spat at her, and readied to punch again, but it never came. Looking at her arm, she saw an unfamiliar girl her age holding back her arm. "You know, making fun of people because of what they look like isn't very nice." Eda said, before throwing the bully away and helping the Latina girl up. The crowd shifted, and dispersed, leaving Eda and the other girl there.

"I'm Eda. What's your name?" Eda asked, helping the girl off the ground and brushing her off. "O-oh, I'm Camila Noceda." She responded, putting her broken glasses back on. Eda sighed, before taking them off of her and fixing them with a spell, before putting them back on her.

"Whoa. ¿Cómo lo hiciste?" Camila asked her. "E-eh? Sorry, I don't speak...." Camila chuckled. "Don't speak Spanish?" Eda shook her head. "I was asking, how did you do that?" Eda shrugged. "Magic. Simple as that." Camila looked at her. like she was crazy. "If you don't want to tell me, that's fine. I just hate that you're lying about it." 

Eda laughed. "No, it was actually magic. I'm a witch." To prove her point, Eda flew a few laps on her staff around Camila, who was utterly dumbstruck. "Wait, I thought witches weren't real!" She blurted out, making Eda stop and land. "Do I look fake to you? Wait, let me guess. Humans still think a witch gets her powers by selling their souls, too." Camila nodded dumbly, and Eda sighed. "Ok, new friend. I'm going to teach you about real witches!" Eda scooped Camila up and placed her oh the floating staff, before hopping on herself and flying off.

Camila screamed at flying like this, but Eda laughed. "Just hold on tight to me! I've done this enough times that I know how not to crash!" Camila buried her face in Eda's back, and Eda could feel her shaking in fear. "Uh, ok, hold on. There's a house right up here we can stop at!" Eda said, setting down. Camila stumbled off of the staff and knelt on the ground, shivering. "Oh, tierra dulce..." Eda heard her mutter. "Sorry. I guess I shouldn't have done that, huh?" She said, resting her hand on Camila's back. "J-just warn me next time, please." 

Eda waited until Camila stood up on her own to begin teaching her about true witches. "Alright. Lesson one, look for the ears. All witches have pointed ears, so it's basically a dead giveaway. Lesson two, don't ever, and I mean EVER, ask a witch is they've sold their soul for power. We outlawed that centuries ago, and no one does it anymore." Time passed as Camila learned in earnest about her new friend, until the sun was reaching the horizon. "Well, I need to get home." Camila said, getting up from the ground. "Oh, can I come with? I kinda....don't have a place to stay in the human realm." Camila laughed and nodded. 

Soon, the two of them were standing in front of a simple house. "Do you live here all by yourself?" Camila laughed. "No, but my parents are out of town at the moment. They've been...well, it's hard to describe." She unlocked the door and led Eda in. The house was simply furnished, and Camila got some food out of the fridge and began preparing it for the two of them. Eda went into the bathroom to wash off, and came out just as Camila called her for dinner. Eda passed by a picture of Camila and her parents, and glanced at the reflection of a caped silhouette with glowing blue eyes before passing.

"Wait, what?" Eda quickly backtracked to the picture, but the silhouette's reflection was no longer there. looking around wildly, she didn't see it in any more reflections. "Eda? Is something wrong?" Camila asked, coming into the hallway. "Not to be rude, but is this place haunted?" Eda asked her. "Haunted? No, I don't think so. Why?" Eda shook her head. "I'll show you after dinner." They ate in silence, the only noise coming from Eda eating human foods with gusto.

"So, what is it you want to show me about my house being haunted?" Camila asked as they were washing their plates. "Eda sighed, then grabbed her staff. "Ok, I'm going to preform a spell that will let us see my memories. Just letting you know beforehand, all right?" Camila nodded, and Eda cast the circle. The two of them both fell unconscious, as they entered Eda's mindscape.

"Ugh...what?" Camila got up and looked around. It was some kind of forest, but not like any forest she'd ever seen before. "Come on, it's this one right here." Eda's voice carried over, and she saw Eda standing in front of some kind of portrait hanging from one of the trees. Eda hurriedly waved her over, and Camila broke into a short jog. Eda grabbed her hand and stepped into the painting. "You might want to close your eyes for a moment." She said. Camila did just that, and was dragged into the memory.

"Okay, you can open your eyes." Eda's voice rang. Opening them, Camila found herself standing in the hallway of her house, seeing two Edas: The one from the memory, and the one she came with. "Right here!" Eda said, pointing into a reflection. Camila looked at it, and indeed saw a silhouette that should not have been there-them saw something incredible. 

The silhouette blinked, and-for a brief moment-Camila and Eda saw a wall of crystals behind the figure. Each face seemed to be playing some kind of television program, but neither of them could make out anything discernable. Then, the vision vanished, just as memory-Eda doubled back to see it again.

Both of them exited the memory, Camila being brave enough to keep her eyes open this time. But, standing before them, was a beast of horrific proportions. It looked like some kind of... "Owl Beast." Eda cursed. "You leave, now! I'm not letting you have her!" She shouted, standing in front of Camila. The Owl Beast roared, and charged the two of them.

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