Chapter.4 - Encounter with time

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(Not my characters and not my pictures)

Stayne stood there, in the middle of a huge castle full of ticking clocks and gears who he didn't know for what they are, but something else interrupted his thoughts and aroused his attention.

His eye focused on the long free way that lay in front of him and a small metal male figure came closer to him.

Out of reflex, he shrugged his sword and held it defending in front of him when the figure stepped near him.

Wilkins: ,,Oh Sir please, Take down the sword, I didn't focus any bad intentions on you''- he said afraid.

Ilosovic stayne:,,Who are you, creature?''

Wilkins:,, If I may introduce Wilkins my name. I am one of the most important helpers of my Lord, time himself. But now finally take down the sword, it won't help you much here, besides, who are you and what you doing here if I may ask?

With a suspicious look, stayne lowered his sword and raised his voice.

Ilosovic stayne:,, Ilosovic stay my name. One of the most important knights of the red queen Salazen grum I have been, the knave of hearts. I'm on the run, complicated story but my way here invited me. Where are we actually here?

Wilkins looked confused in his face for a moment until he continued on it.

Wilkins:,, Well... I'm really no longer responsible for that, follow me sir, I'll take you to my Lord, if he's in the mood he will help you.''

Wilkins did not hesitate long and set off for his lord. Stayne hesitated for a second but follow Wilkins quickly.

Stayne looked around, the castle unfolded more and more and it seems that there is no end. It was large, huge, larger than the castle of the red queen in Salazen grum in which he spent half of his life. He didn't know where he was here and what else to expect, but he hoped for justice and self-protection. After a short time, he was torn out of thoughts, it was Wilkins' voice that interrupted his thoughts.

Wilkins:,,Sir, we arrived, please wait outside, my lord will be here in a view minutes.'' - He said and disappeared behind the door that spread in front of stayne.

Behind the door, a room spread, it was full of ticking clocks and illuminated in a warm yellow tone so that everything appeared gold/brown. In the middle of the room was a large armchair, in this armchair sat none other than the time itself. He seemed busy because he leaned against a big book and didn't even leave his attention from his work.

Wilkin's locked the door behind him and got a little closer to his lord. With caution, he raised his voice and began to draw attention to himself.

Wilkins:,,My Lord, If you have a bit of time right now, I would ask for some attention, I urgently need to talk to you my lord.''

Time could not upset himself for the time being, but after a few seconds he close the book from which he read powerfully and Wilkins shrugged. His gaze showed that he was anything but pleased about being disturbed. He wandered with his head over to Wilkins with an annoyed facial expression and fixed him with his brightly lit blue eyes.

Time:,, What do you think of disturbing your Lord in such a way? Have you ever heard of knocking before entering a room? Hardly. What reason is it to bother me and my important work? If the occasion is not important, then leave the room immediately!''- he shouted.

Wilkins now knew that time was not in his best mood today and slowly continued again

Wilkins:,, Please forgive me, sir, it was not my intention to disturb you in this way, it's just that we have a visitor.'' - he said carefully -

Time pulled up an eyebrow and looked at Wilkins questioningly

Time:,, A visitor? So that's how it is..Who is it and how did he get in here? It is impossible for another creature to penetrate my castle of time, what reason does he have?'' - he ask suspiciously -

Wilkins:,, It is best to look for him for yourself and inquire for your own opinion. He is right behind the door, unfortunately I can't tell you his occasion.''

Time got up and got up from his armchair. Wilkin's step to the side and cleared the way for his lord. With the scepter in his hand, time opened the door and stepped out of the room.

When the doors opened and time came out, stayne was frightened but at the same time he bowed out of politeness and reflex. Time looked at him in amazement and with big eyes. The man who built up is quite tall, taller than him, you could almost think he was a giant but he is too small for that again. He looks up to him and spoke to him.

Time:,, Big man, what leads you to my mighty castle and who are you? Not an intruder? We don't like them here, they are crushed by my biggest gears... I just mean. Now get out with the language!''

Stayne swallowed when he heard these words, but he didn't know if he was just having fun or was serious. Without hesitation, he answered the mighty lord of time.

Ilosovic stayne:,, No way sir, I had no intention of invading her mighty castle. You have to know I was on the run, on the run from death, I had no other choice and my way invited me here. I ask you for mercy, look at me, injuries and wounds everywhere, I really have no evil intentions, on the one hand I don't know where I am here and who you are'' - He exhaled, his air was almost absent from him.

Time looked at him for a while, he wasn't really sure about what he said but he couldn't just leave the man behind, he really didn't seem to be well and for an inexplicable reason time felt a kind of pity in his inner self what he usually never felt cause feelings are not really typical of his kind.

Time:,, Big man, I'm not a mischief even if I'm of big importance and don't often have the nerve to help others, but you really don't seem to want anything bad to me and as you look, you could really need some protection and help. Come with me to my office, tell me in more detail who you are and what leads you here.''

Stayne couldn't belobe what he was hearing right now, finally someone who will help him, with happiness inside him he smiled at time.

Ilosovic stayne:,, Thank you very much, sir, of course I will accept your offer, you help me a lot with that. - he bow again -

Time just slipped out a slight smile after he saw the man so joyfully and what he had to notice is that his smile was really beautiful. But he quickly tore himself together again and throw his thoughts away, it was very atypical for him and made him very surprised inside, he never Feld emotions like that.

Time:,, It's okay, by the way you don't have to bow, it's fine. Now follow me.''

Time turned around and went back to the room from which he came. Stayne followed him without hesitation for another second until both disappeared into the room and the doors were closed..........

(To be continue)

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