Chapter.5-Metal and wood or feeling and love?

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(Not my characters and not my pictures)
Credits to —>DevilsAdvocate0 (Picture)

.......Time turned around and together with ilosovic he went to his office and closed the door behind him.

~Both are alone now~

Stayne entered the room and had to crouch for the time being because of his size but time asked him to sit in the armchair, so it was more pleasant for him. Time sat also on one of the chairs next to him and began the conversation with Stayne.

Time:,, Well, where do I start? It is extremely unusual that I get a visit to my so large castle and then also let the visit to my office, but I have to admit that my curiosity aroused and I would like to take a closer look at the situation. Long story short, I continue, tell me your story, who are you and what makes your way to me?'' - he asked calm -

At the beginning, stayne was quite uncertain about what he asked, no one over the years was as burningly interested in him and his background as time seems to radiate, but he gave himself a jolt and went deep into his inner self what he doesn't like that much but he knew that this could perhaps be a chance of freedom for him. He took a deep breath and began to speak.

Ilosovic stayne:,,Well, how do I should start? My name is ilosovic stayne and I am wearing an age of 460 with me. I am a man with a height of 228 centimeters and was the knave of hearts of the red queen iracebeth of crims from Salazen grum. My life was not enriching, on the contrary, it is shocking and sad. I once grew up on a farm as a little boy with my parents in wizend, a village. My parents die early, my father was the king's soldier and died in one of the many battles, my mother could not cope with the whole thing and died of a heart attack, that all happened when I was 14 years old and from that day on I knew I was on my own. I have always been interested in the arts in fighting and aspired to become a soldier for my father's profession, even though I knew this job was dangerous and showed a lot of courage and strength but I had this. All this continues his way and everything went according to plan, as I always dreamed. I became a soldier of the king and queen and years later I was further educated and became a strong, powerful and proud knight of the king's daughter, the red queen and the only person who destroyed my life more and more from this point on. My life turned 180 degrees and made a huge turn. I got anything but proud and respect from my queen, no, everything turned out differently, she tormented me to the last point of my strength, I was physically and mentally injured with deep wounds, I was beaten, insulted, abused, exploited, forced to do things I didn't wanted to do, among other things, I was forced to love her and deceived for half of my life to love a woman who I deeply hated just to not lose my head, agonizingly for her eyes to die. She made me hate myself and hurt myself by scratching myself and telling myself how much I hated myself and never wished to be here because I know I will never be enough for anyone, not even for myself. Years later, the day came when the jabberwocky died and the red queen lost her regency forever and handed the crown over her sister to the white queen. She and I were banished to the last second of our lives, the queen condensed to kill me and take revenge on me because I never loved her as she did, but she is a bad person. She couldn't kill me, I fled at the last second even if I had no strength anymore, then I ended up here.

Said stayne and breathed hard. Going so deep into his inner self was not typical for him because he had to hide most of the time and did not show himself from his inner side or let feelings out. Tears stepped out of his eyes and ran down his cheeks. Stayne took off both of his black leather gloves and cut tears out of his face, it was anything but pleasant for him to cry in front of another man who seems very powerful, but he could no longer pull himself together, he was at the end with his nerves.

Time listened to him all the time without falling into his word only once. When stayne finished speaking and saw what all this was going on to him, he could no longer trust what he heard. He just looked over to the crying man sitting in front of him. His feelings rolled together for an inexplicable reason, anger and grief but at the same time pity and fear he could feel  stepped deep inside his ticking clock, but he did not focus on his feelings right now and began to speak to ilosovic.

Time:,, So Ilosovic is your name. If I'm honest, the words get stuck in my throat, I've never heard anything like that in the history of the time and I can promise you that this is a really long time. I speak to you my greatest suffering from the bottom of my heart for what you had going through. No one deserves anything like that. I think a big answer is anything but listening to you, you seem to feel not that good and I don't want to penetrate even deeper into your interior and evoke inappropriate questions.'' - he said in a warm and calm tone -

Ilosovic stayne:,, It's okay, I'm not used to it any other way, but I thank you for your honesty and your really kind words, I never heard anything like that in my life.'' - he said in a Borken and crying voice -

Time sighed and for a few seconds the room was filled with silence, the only thing you could hear was the ticking of the many clocks that were in the room and the quiet sobbing that came from stayne. Time interrupted the silence and couldn't see the man hurt that way anymore, so he made him a suggestion.

Time:,, Listen, I never thought that I would listen to someone for so long because I don't like it if someone wasting too many useless and pointless words because you should play with the time, but what you told me was anything but pointless, it's worth helping. I'll make you a suggestion, I'll give you the opportunity to stay here for a few nights for the time being, you can recover from your escape and my butler will help you. - he smiled -

Ilosovic stayne:,,You would do that for me? I'm honored, thank you so much sir, of course I will accept this suggestion.'' - he smiled and wipe his tears out of his face, happy about what he heard -

Time nodded stayne and got up, he opened the door and called for his helper Wilkins.

Times:,,WILKINS!!!'' - ,,Yes sir right here''- Said the little tin male what was already waiting outside next to the entrance from the beginning -

Time frightened and threw Wilkins an annoyed look, but he had nothing else to do but laugh heartily at his master.

Time:,, It's good now, stop it. Please bring our visitor to a room and make sure that he is sufficiently equipped for the night.''

Wilkins:,,Of course my Lord.''

Wilkin's gave stayne a sign to follow him and shortly afterwards stayne rose from the chair and left the room. Before he completely disappeared with Wilkins, he looked at time again and gave him a grateful look, time gave him a gentle smile back, but quickly he caught it again and set up his emotionless Mine again. He looked after the both until they disappeared around one of the many corners into another corridor of the castle.

Time also left his office and stood at one of the many railings, which gave him a great overview of the variety of his gears, thoughts spread in his head and for a few seconds he owed in themselves.

~Times thoughts~

Today gave him a lot of thought, that much has not even happened, but at the same time too much. Things like feelings and emotions play him strokes, he can't classify all this exactly. Especially ilosovic does not get out of his head, the one who found his way to the castle today and told him his terrible story. Today it was the first time he felt something like feelings, fear, grief or compassion when he saw the man ilosovic. He never had such a thing before, not typical for him. He is just a ticking machine with a ticking heart made of metal and wood or maybe some feelings and love?.....................

{To be continue}

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