Chapter Two

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'The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.' 

Lao Tzu

The last time I walked these white walls I had a flood of tears coming down my face. Celia notices my mind wondering to that day and pulled me faster down the hall to her dads room. 

"Woah, look at my little girls.  Has it really only been a year because you two look so much older." Damien chuckles, opening his arms out to us. We both hug him and take a seat. "So, what is the story for this one, Pops."  Celia chastises. "Well, I was cleaning out the gutters when I saw that some shingles had come off, so, I got my kit and got up there to fix it. Your mother was lecturing me and when I went to check my work I leaned back way to far. You know how your mother is." We laughs. "Yes, and we both know how you are to. you need to be more careful in your old age." 

Damien's mouth falls open as he stares at his daughter. "Hey, I'm only fifty-one, not that old." We laugh as he gets defensive. "Oh, I still think your handsome honey, pain in the ass but handsome." Jillian says, handing him a cup of water. Damien smiles lovingly at her. 

I hope one day I can find someone to love like this, to stay with me when I'm stubborn, to hold me when things get rough. However, I don't think I'll find that any time soon. I have plans for once I graduate and it doesn't include a man tagging along.

We stay and talk for about an hour before deciding to grab a bite to eat at a place in town.

"So, you never told me what happened when you got home." I sigh, "Well, they wanted to announce their marriage and love child to me." Celia starts choking on her tea, I shake my head. "Are you fucking kidding me?" I roll my eyes as we get some looks. "No, I wish I was. Dad even had the nerve to call Georgia my mom. I like her but I'll never give her or anyone else that title." She nods. 

"Okay, time to get off this depressing subject. I heard there is a new English teacher this year." I smile. "Finally, I couldn't take another year of Mrs. Porters monotone voice. Do we know who it is?" Celia shakes her head. "Not a name, all I heard is that he is hot. I'm not going to be able to pay attention this year." I can't help but laugh. "You'll have to, it's out last year." 

With the realization showing up on her face, I laugh again. "Dude, this isn't funny, I'll have to take senior year over again." I shake my head. "We have the same classes, Ollie and I won't let you fail." She nods, looking at the time. "I have to get going. I'll see you at school tomorrow." I nod, waving Celia off. 

When I get to the house, I grab a bottle of water before going to my room. In front of my door, is two manila envelopes on the floor. I look confused, both ways down the hall way before picking up them up and going into my room, shutting the door behind me.

I sit on my bed and look at the note on the top envelope. "I have no need for the inheritance of Neil's, it will go to you as well as the things your grandparents left to you both in their will." I read my fathers neat handwriting and I'm surprised he's giving me Neil's part and our inheritance from him as well. 

I let everything fall out onto the bed from both envelopes, a bunch of papers come out and two cards from each one. The papers tell me what Neil and I get from our grandparents inheritance and then another is from our father.  One paper says Neil and I are partial owners of dad's business, which was handed down by his father. 

They halved everything between Neil and

 Just me. 


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2021 ⏰

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