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  My grandfather made a fountain in our front Yard. He decided to name it. SPECIAL PLACE. A sculpture of two people dancing. The man's arms around his sweetheart waist as she gets close enough to him that her head rest on his shoulders was placed in the of middle of sunflower that designed into the floor of the fountain. 

Part of me happy because you tell how much in love the couple in the fountain, and they will be together as long as the fountain there and sad knowing my sun and I have to dream a little bit until someday those same dreams will bring us back together for our forever too.

My father tapped me on the shoulder. Your grandfather updated the fountain, he wanted to surprise Mew and you. He added a third switch".

 He turned on all three at the same time. With the water and the lights, a small circle the couple were standing on was now giving them a slow and gentle spin. "There not just holding each now there dancing for real this time. It more beautiful and more magical then ever, Thank - you grandpa and thank you dad. I replied as I made a few more wishes myself as 2 more pennies floated to the bottom

I think so too, let go son let's get you to the bus" as he shut every down


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