The band

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My sister is the go between, her text all had the latest new on Gulf and other things and always ends I love you, big brother.  Even though my sunflower did not say goodbye or good night to me. My heart knows that I will see him again. The latest text message from my sister made me wonder if I was reading it right and how does my Gulf know Type and Tharn who owns the at the club that our band on the way to now because were scheduled to play at is he really going to be there like she claims as once again I hold a small picture of him that I keep in my wallet.

"My wonderful sister has good about keeping us updated and hoping we come home for Christmas after this concert, I replied

"Oh good, I love the holidays, family, the decoration, the stockings hung with care and the beautiful music and Its good news this time? Saint asked

I showed him the text message and a small black box out of my bag. "I been holding this for a while. I plan to ask him when I see him, It was love at sight for me too"

HEY GUYS, HIS SUNFLOWER GOING TO BE AT THE CLUB AND WE WILL BE SPENDING THE HOLIDAYS WITH MEW AND FAMILY and Mew my best friend, you will always be Zee and I's wing man just I hope we are too you" Saint replied

"Always, thank you" I replied

"While back one of your texts mention some fountain? Saint asked

"It called Special place. The fountain has sculpture of a couple dancing in front of their house, I never gone thrown a penny and made a wish myself. His grandpa made it a long time ago. His family believes that that the love grandpa had for his own sunflower it flowed into water and the wishes that come from heart come true. 

My sister said we should check it out when we head back there.

"Text her saying we bring everyone home and we can do that, Mew" Saint replied

"My War and I would love to see that also, oh be at the club also. He sent me a picture of him with Gulf help and a phone number too." Yin replied

We all looked at Yin, "when and did you get to chance to talk Gulf" Saint asked

"I promise, War is the only I been talking too, and Type the owner of the club.We be there in a couple of hours. Type texted me the plan. One of the staff will take us to VIP room to relax for a little bit...He replied

"YIN, what are you not telling us. What else did your boyfriend say?" Saint replied

Everybody got quiet, "All right there related, Type and War are brothers and Gulf is their cousin and we had already on the schedule when we talked last.

Mild parked the bus in the nearest parking lot and came back to see us. "We are one big happy family anyway so lets go do this and bring them home," I replied happily

We all smiled as Mild went back to the driver's seat and Saint went back to his boyfriend, Zee. The huddle together and went to sleep.

Wish from the Heart (Holiday)Where stories live. Discover now