1. Why?

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"... And so we demand the United Nations to  help us find a land where we can live in peace."
Eyes of all persons in the room were glued to the TV screen.
"Wow, what a great speech they had."
Said Andy
"Yes it was amazing! I'm sure soon they will give us a land... it's not a new problem - with Jewish people they solved it well" Tamare giggled.
"That's the whole different story Tamare, you're mixing things again. You see, it was like if ..."
"Guys!" Emet interrupts the two girls arguing "Listen and keep your debates for later!"

"Our committee has some questions for you." Said senator Wallyd. "What are you expecting from us? To give you land for free?"
"We bought our own property, but more people kept coming and when we wanted to expand nobody would sell us a land because they don't want to have the community of unvaxed people near - they're afraid a wind will bring the virus to them from our area."
"We spoke with other communities and it's the same all across the globe! We need your help. It is not just discrimination, it starts to feel like intentional cleaning of unvaxed - and that's in a conflict with human rights as every person has the right to live.
Therefor U.N. should give us a hand in negotiations. We're willing to pay, in our community is a few people who are willing to help above the common contribution so we can gain legal rights to a certain peace of land."

"Let them die, those selfish bastards don't deserve any help!"
Suddenly a loud guy from the crowd shouted again, followed by murmuring and and more shouting and so people in the middle of the conference room projected on the screen had to stop talking.

"And here we go... please! Can there be any discussion free of those accusations?" Said the third person at the speaker's table.
"Why there is so much hate regarding this? We want to live just like everybody else and regardless, whether you it or not, this is granted to everyone by The Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedom." He continued.

"Yes. We are just like any other group of people so why is it WE are the selfish, WE are the most dangerous ones right now, WE are getting all the no's and X's... All WE want is to have place for our community to live! We don't ask you to support us any other way, just give us a chance to have a land! Why is it so hard? WHY?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2021 ⏰

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