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Another knock? Is peace too much to ask for? Monroe slid over to the door before twisting the handle.

Holy shit it's Ian Brown

"Y'orite?" Monroe asks slightly star struck as to why Ian Brown was at her door.

"Yeah, how are you love?" He smiled, Monroe felt her knees turn to jelly.

"I'm amazing" She smiled staring directly into his eyes, how is one man so gorgeous they stood for a couple minutes sharing a comfortable silence.

"Er, Liam said he left my tambourine here" he piped up breaking the silence.

She blinked a couple times, moisturising her dry eyes before replying "oh yeah it's in the kitchen" she smiled before leading him to his star-shaped tambourine .

"Cheers love"

The silence continued as they stared into each others eyes, lust mixed with anxiety, before she could break the silence he smashed his lips onto hers.

It took her a second to register what was happening but she was quick to reply by deepening the kiss.

She used her hand to search around the counter before hopping on and spreading her legs allowing full access to him.

She smiled into the kiss before their lips split and she received sloppy kisses all over her neck certainly leaving marks.

Monroe ripped off her shirt giving him more skin to bruise, not wanting to have a completely purple neck.

"You sure?" Ian asked

"Fuck yes" she practically moaned in his ear.


And that ladies and gentlemen is what Monroe Gallagher would call...
Biblical sex

"Tambourines on that counter" Monroe points before pulling her jeans back on, resting them low on her hips.

"Think I should start letting Liam borrow it more." He said with a wink before leaving.

Monroe hadn't felt butterflies like that since secondary school, but she was bored now, sex was like a drug to her and she always had a really shitty come down, so she distracted herself with hobbies, todays hobby was going to be reading. She wasn't sure why but it just sounded appealing.


She had found herself in a shitty corner shop not too far from her house. She couldn't go to a library, she didn't exactly have the best reputation there..

"Shut up you slag"
"Don't fucking shoosh me"
"I was shooshing your mum last night"
"W'dya mean am banned?"

The books there always had really small print anyways.

She walked over to the magazine isle eyeing random ones and just taking them, until she came across one that she had to buy..

She walked over to the magazine isle eyeing random ones and just taking them, until she came across one that she had to buy

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And she was on the fucking cover, how cools that like.

She let out a slight "oh" when she remembered the interview. She talked about a lot of sex and blowies in bar toilets.

There was her, Liam, Justine then Damon.

She walked over to the till placing the Mount Everest of magazines down and pulling some cash from her bra.

"Can you chuck in some B&H blues an all?"

"No problem" the man behind the till smiled.

"Pack of lighted too cheers"

"Monroe that is the second time you've bought lighters this week, I personally don't know how much you smoke but holy hell woman" he laughed, she laughed along aswell.

"Nah just keep letting people borrow them init" she smiled "never seem to get them back"

She handed him the cash and let him keep the change before picking up her bag full of magazines and leaving announced by the little bell above the door.

The song Monroe had recorded last night was playing, odd.

"How the fuck are you in my house?" She wasn't one to speak just the other day she basically broke into Damon's house.

"This for the band?" He asked completely ignoring her question, like Monroe had done the night before.

"Yes it's for the band, how are you in my house?"

"You gave me a spare key you had, said it was stabbing you in the tit" he answered still paying attention to the music playing "you left before I could give you it back."

"I like this one, I think I have some lyrics that would go well" you'd think he hadn't spoke to her in 43 years or something, not giving her a chance to speak and just spilling random information.

"Sound" she reached over to stop the recording so she could make up some riffs, she began playing smoke on the water by deep purple. She always liked that one, got her inspiration flowing.

"Ooh like that one" Damon often chipped in to random combinations of chords she was making as she went along, with no idea what chords they were. All the letters confused her.

Damon started exploring her house, while Monroe was far too caught up in her guitar to notice he had left.

Talking dirty with the 50 most shaggable people on the planet

"Oh I remember doing this" He exclaimed making his way back into the same room as Monroe. "Your rated number one!"

"Fuck off" she replied her voice full of doubt, still mucking about with chords.

"No, serious. Look!"

"Haha wicked" she laughed before sitting back down and returning to the guitar

"Monroe, people think your the most shaggable person ever!" He said sounding like a total fanboy "that's cool!"

"Because i am" she replied simply.

"I forget who your brothers are sometimes" he laughed to himself. Monroe was far too caught up in the guitar now. She had entered her own world. Damon had found her polaroid collection, unlike the interviewer who survived about 5 minutes.

The oddness of Monroe amazed him, the rules just didn't apply to her. She was somehow attractive whenever, wherever. He agreed with the magazine, apart from "the only con, about Monroe is her thick Manc accent and her erraticness"

The erratic in her was a bonus and the manny accent just made her a bit scary. But never unattractive.

He noticed a large framed photo in the dining room of Monroe, Liam, Noel, Paul and Peggy. They were posing infront of their Christmas tree but they were all taller than it, apart from Peggy bless her. He couldn't help but notice the way Noel was looking at Monroe, pure hate almost as if he wanted her dead.

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