day 2: decoration (jatp)

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characters/ship: julie molina, luke patterson, reggie peters, alex mercer, willie ortega, ray molina, tia victoria, carlos molina, flynn taylor

where they're from: julie and the phantoms (show, netflix)


"Can someone help me with decorations?" Julie called from the top of the stairs, her curls barely visible from behind the stack of boxes in her arms. Luke was the first to respond, sprinting up the stairs and taking the heaviest boxes. He then pivoted and ran back down the stairs, depositing the boxes on the couch. Julie chuckled at her boyfriend's antics but called after him.

"Ay, don't break anything! Those are my mami's decorations." Luke continued to bounce on the balls of his feet, waiting for Julie to make it down the stairs.

"But it's Christmas, Jules," Luke pouted, flopping down onto the stairs and draping an arm dramatically over his face. "How am I supposed to be calm?"

"It's November, mijo, you still have a month before Christmas," Ray chimed in, rummaging through the closet for more decorations. "Maybe save some of the energy for when it gets a little colder."

Luke crossed his arms, eyebrows furrowed.

"How about you use that energy and help the lovebirds put up the tree?" Julie suggested, gesturing to where Alex and Willie were attempting to assemble the fake tree.

"Not sure that's a good idea. If he tries to help us, he's going to end up with a Christmas tree branch through his skull."

Julie considered her options. She could send Luke to go help Reggie with putting up lights outside, but she didn't trust Luke anywhere near a ladder. Actually, Luke helping with lights wasn't such a bad idea.

"Ok, why don't you hang up the lights in the studio. No ladders; we don't want an emergency room visit." Luke grinned in agreement, snatching the box of lights from its place near the stairs and dashing to the door.

"If I go in there and my drums have lights on them, we're going to have an issue!" Alex shouted after him.

"He's not going to listen, Lex."

"Oh, I know. I'll just wrap his guitar in lights in retaliation."

Willie smirked. "So what I'm hearing is my boyfriend's going to start a war with Christmas lights. Sounds like the perfect holiday activity."

"I'm not going to be the one to start a war. That'll be Luke, not me," Alex argued as he hung a rainbow snowflake ornament on the tree.


Luke did in fact start a Christmas lights war that resulted in the entire studio getting covered in Christmas lights. Even the chairs hanging from the ceiling somehow got subjected to the prank (Tia Victoria ended up being the one to get them down after complaining about how the rest of them were cowards and couldn't get anything done. Alex held the ladder for her.)

qotd: favorite part about decorating for the holidays?

aotd: seeing the christmas lights everywhere. they're just so pretty !!

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