|10| Enemy Of Our Enemy

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"Shit's about to get real in here!" I push as hard as I could against the door when a voice calls to us from the other side of it. "Wait!" My eyes widen and I push away. "Rachel?!" Nick exclaims and she slips inside covered head to toe in blood.

"Geez, you look like hell," I say and she stands up straight to look at me. "Nice to see you too, Renard." I give her a smile and Nick steps closer to her. "You're alive!"

"Had any doubt, Marine?" She asks him and I roll my eyes as he embraces her tightly. I help Jason get the doors closed and he slides a large plank of wood into the holders to barricade it. But if those things want in then they're gonna get in. Rachel pulls back and scans our faces. "Where's Eric?"

I nod in his direction and she follows it, meeting his eyes. He steps forward and embraces her just like Nick did. "Rache." Once he pulls back I could see just how awkward this was for her but it's want she gets for being unfaithful to her husband. He gazes down at her sadly.

"I held on as long as I could, but… the rope… it snapped. I-I didn't cut it, I wouldn't."

"I know," she says with a big smile before moving closer and pressing her lips against his much to my surprise and disgust. I mean she's covered in blood. They hug again and I glance over at Nick, but his expression was neutral. He clears his throat and the two separate to look at him. "We good?"

Eric narrows his eyes at him and I take a step back from Sergeant Kay. Jason wasn't lying when he said shit's about to get real. "It's him, isn't it?" Neither of them answer and Eric shakes his head. "I understand you're not the brightest, Nick, but even you must know what I'm talking about."

He turns his accusing look on Rachel. "You've been fucking him, haven't you?" Before either of them can respond Eric starts swinging on Nick, punching him in the face, backing him into the corner. But Nick's ready for the next attack and blocks it, retaliating with a punch to pretty boy's face.

I shake my head, we have demons literally at our door and they're fighting about this now?! Rachel and I race forward at the same time as Nick digs his forearm into Eric's neck. I grab onto the handle of Nick's pack, yanking him backwards while Rachel holds Eric back.

Nick rounds on me, thinking I was Jason, and I duck out of the way keeping his elbow from connecting with my face. "Hey! That's enough!" Jason exclaims as I drag Nick to the side so he can see its me and his eyes widen. "Stop it!" Rachel shouts and shoves Eric backwards when he tries to step forward.

"That's the only free shot you'll ever get, Sergeant," I warn him and his expression turns apologetic. "Sorry, Cerise." He turns and gives Eric a look. "I know its him, Rache. I know."

"You better step off before I start swinging. Colonel or no Colonel."

"Don't, Nick!" Rachel tells him and I shove him lightly, telling him to knock this shit off. "I tried waiting, Eric. I really did. I'm sorry." He scoffs and gives a look. "Always loyal…"

"You held on… I didn't." Jason pulls Nick back and flashes the CIA officer a smile. "Good to see you, Rachel. I thought we'd lost you."

"Who else made it through?" Jason gives her a solemn look and it saddens me to think about all the great soldiers we lost today. "It ain't good. Merwin's gone. Those things… they got Joey… Clarice." Rachel's expression changes and she glances away from his face catching his attention.

I step up beside Jason and give her a questioning look. "What is it, Rachel?"

"Clarice was infected, those things, I don't know how, they got inside her. She didn't want to risk turning on me so she walked away."

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