|18| Early Release

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I open my eyes and a white ceiling swims into focus above me. The white was so vibrant that it almost hurt my eyes. "Hey, sleepy head." I groan and follow the sound of that Southern drawl finding the source at my bed side, holding my hand. "Jason... what happened?"

"We're back at Camp Slayer. They patched you up." I rub the remnants of sleep from my eyes before glancing at my thigh seeing fresh gauze wrapped around it. But the best part... no pain. "Morphine?" I ask him and he nods. "And they're helping replace the blood you lost."

He nods and I look down at my arm seeing an IV with a tube filled with blood going into my arm. "Great."

"Yeah. Listen, what happened at the LZ has drawn a lot of attention and they're covering it up."

"What?" I push myself up into a sitting position. "Yeah. They're "detaining" and debriefing us, making sure we won't be tempted to tell anyone about what really happened."

"Well, how long do they plan on detaining us?" Jason shrugs and brushes his thumb back and forth across my knuckles. "No clue. But I told them I was done talkin until they let me see you. Just wanted to make sure you were alright." I smile and he returns it.

"I don't give a shit what they plan on putting us through just as long as you're alive."

"Well, the only reason I made it out was because you didn't stop pushing me. You wouldn't let me give up and that was just as useful as any weapon or training I received."

"Glad to help." We share a chuckle and I pull strands of hair back behind my ear. "Once they see you're better they're gonna be asking thousands of questions and order a hundred tests. Just a heads up."


"I don't know about you, but I'm hoping this government conspiracy crap means that we can walk away from the Marines." I look at him and see he's serious. "I thought you wanted to be a marine, given that your life was going nowhere. That you were unsure of your future."

"Well, you're in my life now aren't you?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Then I know the direction my life is going can't be all bad with you in it."

"Jason Kolchek, you see me as a part of your future?" I ask playfully because that basically is exactly what he just said and I can't help picking on him just a little bit. "You are my future," he shoots back and my face warms. "After all I am 30. Can't be a bachelor forever."

We share a chuckle and I knew he was trying to cover up just how serious he was with humor. I never really thought too much about the future. Just took it one day at a time. But now that I know how much I care about Jason I find myself thinking about the future a lot more.

I mean our relationship started in a warzone. If we leave the Marines how's that gonna work in civilization. Going on actual dates, finding jobs, there's a lot we need to talk about and figure out if we're on the same page. But now's not the time. "Can hear you thinking over there."

I blink and look back up at Jason. "Just processing everything that happened. I still can't believe all that shit happened in just a few hours." He nods in agreement and I lean back against the pillows. A knock sounds at the door before it opens and someone in a yellow protective hazmat suit comes in.

"Lieutenant Kolchek times up. Time to go." Jason sighs and turns back to me. "Until next time, Lieutenant Renard." I smile respectfully and he gives my hand a squeeze before getting to his feet. "Gonna ask me the same fucking questions as before?" He asks with a tinge of anger in his voice as he walks over to the stranger.

Enemies And Allies ×Jason Kolchek× House of AshesWhere stories live. Discover now