Chapter Four

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Dr. Horan stares at me longer then someone usually should. It's making me slighty uncomfortable, shit! do i food in my teeth or something??? I decided to be the first to look away and turn my attention to Dr. shepherd a.k.a the neuro god. That dark brown hair pushed back into perfection looks... familiar, could this possible be the guy i saw sneak out of mer's house the other day? what. . . Nah I think I'm just imagining things. "Hello Doctor shepherd I'm Samantha nelson, you can call me sam or just nelson if you please, either one is fine. It's a pleasure to meet you" I handed him my hand for him to shake. "Will do Dr. nelson but i prefer to keep it professional."

"Uh.. um.. okay.." I just gave him different name to call me. geez. I thought I would be nice and offer different names to call me I don't give people that honor.

Shepherd looks over to Dr. Horan smirks and just leaves. what was that all about? "I heard from Bailey that you and Shepherd are taking over the Katie Bryce case, is that true?" He nodded his his head. "Yes it is."

"Okay well her parents have questions should i tell them that you'll come around later on to answer them?" He has really beautiful eyes. "I'll make my way over there now thank you sam." He gives me a nice quinine smile and walks towards the direction Katie's room is located. He has such a nice smile.


I look at the time to see it's exactly one o'clock. It's just about time for O'Mally's performance. I might as well go over to the vending machine or the cafeteria and get something to snack on and something to drink, we're going to be there for awhile. I might as well stack up i don't want to leave, I want to be there for every moment. I ended up going to both. I got three bagged muffins, cookies and two bags of chips, candy and two bottles of water. I think i'm well prepared. I grab all my fat snacks and made my way towards the O.R board to find out which O.R O'Mally is going to be in. I started to run because i just realized that the Galleria is going to be packed to see if George will succeed or flop. I took a sharp right and ended bumping into something hard causing all my snacks and bottles of water to fall on the hard white floor. "Watch where you're going" A deep irish voice speaks.

I thought i bumped into something not someone. Jesus he has a hard chest. I can't look up, i'm frozen because i know exactly who it is. It's Dr. Horan. How embarassing is this. "Uh yeah i'm sorry i wasn't paying attension" i spoke quitely. I looked up at him and his deep bue eyes are staring stright at me. I'm a bit intimated by his stare, it feels like he is staring into my soul. i stared back, i can't help but to just stare right back, his eyes are beautiful. It compliments his blonde hair with brown roots very well.

"What's the hurry?" Crap i forgot about O'Mally's surgery. I dropped on my knees (A/N not in the way you're thinking hahahaha.) and started picking up all my snacks. "Um i'm running a bit late for the first intern surgery and i don't know what O.R it's in so i was running to the O.R board" Niall uh i mean Dr. Horan bended down and started helping me pick up my stuff. surprising. I didn't think he was actually going to help. wow. "Why do you tend to say 'um' and 'uh' a lot sam?" The way he says my name.

"Um i don't know actually.. wait crap i said 'um' again sorry" He chuckles and puts the snacks in my hands. His freaking fingers brushed against mine. Christ. "I'm keeping you busy i should let you go, enjoy."

"Thank you Dr. Horan" I stated quite shyly. What the hell is wrong with me? "I'll be seeing you around Nelson" with that he winked. what the hell. Is he hitting on me? nah i highly doubt it.

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