1. Morning

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Charlie's POV:

I wake up with a jerk. The lamp is on and the sun is shining through my window. My dark brown hair is pasted all over my face, and I'm rolled up in the blanket like a cacoon. I pull away the hair from my face and sit up as I grab my phone. I click the little button but nothing happens. I swear silently to myself. I get out of bed and run down the stairs to the kitchen. It's dead quiet. Where is everyone? "Justin, Clara!?" I scream but I get no reply. A sudden  thought hits me and I look at the clock that's hanging on the wall. 7.40 am. Fuck. I'm gonna be late if I don't hurry.  

I take a bowl out of the cabinet and start making some porridge. Oats, some milk, and then into the microwave. I run up the stairs to my room. I change into a pair of black jeans, a black t-shirt and a red cardigan. I look at the clock and realize that it's 7.45 am. I run down the stairs again, then I quickly eat the porridge, grab my keys and backpack and run out the door.

I jog the normal way, crossing some backyards and then out on the walkway. Passing some people my age I say a quick  "Hi!" and keep running. It's probably some new students at my school. I arrive at Crail Highschool, its a gray and boring but pretty new building. I make it to History class at 8.03 am.


I just wanna say thank you for reading. And sorry for the really, really short chapter. Feel free to correct any grammar errors. Have a good day!

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