3. New

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Roxanne POV:

"Are you really sure about this?" Julian asks with a low voice as we walk on the gravel walkway towards Crail highschool. Or CH as it's also called. According to the rumors I've heard it doesn't seem to be a very nice school.

"Hello?" Julian suddenly whispers in my ear. I look up at his pale, worried face.

Some people would have described him as emotionless, or nonchalant, but it's not true. It's just a mask. Towards me he is open as a book.

"It will be fine", I say optimistic and smile faintly. "At least better than the last school", I add, shivering at the thought of the damp stone walls and the ice-cold floor.

I pick up my phone and check the time. 7.55. We're probably gonna be late too. Great. Late on the first day of school. I walk faster.

We are walking quietly when suddenly a brown-haired girl jogs past us.

"Hi!", she says happily. I'm just about to answer when Julian grabs my hand and whispers a quick "no" in my ear.

"Why...?" I ask, irritation starting to fill my voice.

"Just don't."

He pulls up his hood, puts one hand in the pocket of his black hoodie and the other one around my shoulders. We watch the girl jog further towards the big, light gray school building.


The corridor is chaotic and we barely manage to get to two free lockers where we put our jackets and bags. Julian turns around and puts his hand on my shoulders.

"Don't talk to anyone if you don't have to", he says with a low voice while meeting my gaze. "And don't spend too much time with..."

"It's fine!" I interrupt. "It's just school, okay? Everything will be fine. You done?"

Julian sighs and takes my hand.

We start walking towards the classroom. People cast curious looks at us, and I understand why. That's how I would react if two new, hot students who just started walked hand in hand through the corridor. Because according to all the gossip I've heard, I'm hot.

It's nothing I really boast about, it's just facts. And not to mention Julian!

He's even hotter than me, but in another way. If you look at me you realize that, shit, she was hot. But when you look at Julian... There's something supernaturally beautiful about him. His pale skin creates a sharp contrast to the pitch-black, tousled hair and the dark eyes and you immediately understand there's something special about him.

Which it actually is, I think and smile for a moment at the fact that this beautiful creation is mine, just mine.

I'm interrupted in my thoughts when Julian abruptly stops in front of a white door. He looks at me.

"We can still change our minds", he says with a low voice. "You know that, right? We don't have to do this."

I can see how he nervously bites his lip and suddenly feel a strong need to protect him, even though he's probably the last person here that needs protection. I tenderly take his hand in mine.

"I wanna try", I say warmly. "If you want to?"

"Okay then", he sighs and lightly knocks on the door.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2022 ⏰

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