2. Coco

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Amaryllis' POV:

The alarm clock howls in my ears. I pick up my phone from the nightstand and turn off the beeping sound. I yawn and sit up in my bed. My gold brown Cocker spaniel jumps up in my bed and lays her head in my lap. "Good morning Coco", I say with a raspy voice. I cuddle with her a few more minutes before I get up to get dressed. After some thinking I choose a white knitted sweater and a pair of black jeans. Someone knocks on my door. "Come in!" I scream while I put on a necklace. My mom walks into the room wearing a white morning coat and her brown hair in a knot. "Good morning Amaryllis, there is breakfast downstairs. I gotta hurry to work, see you in the evening", she says in a soothing but stressed voice. "Okay, is dad still home?" "No, he's at work" she answers and leaves the room. I walk out to the open kitchen and sit down at the round Marble table. On it stands scrambled eggs, tea, bread, and butter.

At the same time as I start eating some scrambled eggs I watch something on my laptop. I drink tea for breakfast and when I am done I clean the table. "Bye!" I hear mom yell before running out the door. As usual. Coco comes running out from my room while wagging her tail. "Hi sweetie, I'm gonna go to school now." I take my laptop and pack it into my backpack.

I hurry out to the hall and put on my black jacket and my pastel pink little backpack. When I look out the window I'm happy to see that all the snow has finally melted. When I'm outside the door I take my black bike and start to ride it to school. A cold breeze blows through my hair as I see the light gray building. I park the bike outside the school. After that, I go to my locker to place my backpack in it, and take out my English book and laptop and then go to my English classroom. Later on, I realize I forgot my phone at home. Looks like I'll have to go home to get it on a break.


Here is a really really short chapter. This is character 2 out of 6, the others are going to get introduced later on. Oh, and if you haven't seen that already, there are pictures above the chapter that's supposed to represent the characters. Thank you for reding this chapter, have a nice, what ever time on the day it is. :)

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