Introducing Me

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Hello, My name will be unknown but you can call me Tiny. Why? Easy, cause I'm a short human being. Welcome to this true tale about you guessed it, me, Tiny. I'm as single as single can be, I'm glad about it honestly but sometimes people make me feel so single, it's irritating... sometimes, but it's still quite great to be single. I'm also a hopeless romantic as you probably saw in the title "Heartache Intensity" because I am in love with my friend that probably doesn't like me back. Maybe time after time I'll learn to accept the fact he won't like me back. Who knows really? Maybe he will like me back, maybe he won't but oh well, whatever happens, I just need to accept it and move on.

A little bit about me before getting on to the accurate sides of me: I am a young Filipino-Canadian high school Music student and as I've stated, I'm short. 5'0 short. There are some upsides of being short but we aren't gonna talk about that right here right now, we're gonna talk about how much of a hopeless romantic I am surprisingly cause I'm actually terrified of falling in love but, here I am, a hopeless romantic. Sad love life I got here, isn't it? At least I'm single as hell so I don't have to worry about heart break and being mad at my lover for dumping my sorry ass on the curb. But, I've seen people get overly depressed from heartbreak and sorrows from other people, why should I be worried? Kinda not really but oh well, I should but not really. In a way, I'm grateful for being single.

This is starting to get boring so sorry that this is only 2-3 pages long because it's only an introduction and also, I'm running out of things to say in this intro so I hope you can learn from how dumb I can be and learn from my own mistakes in romance.
This intro page is only short because I want you to learn more as the pages go on and learn something really valuable from what I've experienced and I hope you don't do the same stupid things I did in the past. This is the end of my introduction, and welcome to my life as a hopeless romantic idiot.

Aliases for the people involved with this story Tiny- Obviously me
Kai- Friend that I loved
Belle- Mutual friend
There will be more but OwO

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