Chapter 5

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~Wilbur POV~

When Wilbur woke up, he was in his bedroom, in the same clothes he wore last night. He checked his his phone, the screen was painfully blinding. It was 9:43 am. Wilbur groaned and put the covers of his blanket over his head.

Soon enough, there was a loud knock at his door. He pretended he was asleep, so that hopefully whoever came in would leave him alone. He heard the signature sigh of Phil. Well, that wasn't good.

"Alright Wilbur, move the blanket, I know you're awake," Phil said quietly. Wilbur groaned and moved it, his head reeling from the sudden light.

"You went to the party last night." Phil asked, but it sounded more like a statement. Wilbur nodded.

"And you got drunk," Phil continued. Wilbur nodded again.

"And now you regret it," Phil finished. Wilbur once again nodded. He barely remembered anything from last night. He must've been really drunk. That was weird though, he's never been that drunk, and he drank less last night than he had at any party before.

Wilbur was still disoriented and dizzy, so he didn't even attempt to get up. He felt himself suddenly get very cold, even though he was under two blankets.

"I'mm colllld," Wilbur slurred. A wave of concern overtook Phil's face as he heard the complaint.

"You only drank last night, right?" Phil questioned as he spread another blanket over the boy. Wilbur nodded. Phil still looked concerned. "Okay, well I'll bring in a couple pain meds and let you sleep. Try to rest." With that, Phil left the room, leaving Wilbur in a state of confusion and dizziness before he fell back asleep.

A while later, Wilbur woke up and took the pain meds. It was 4 pm now, and Wilbur was feeling much better. He stood up, leaning on his bed for support as he was still a little dizzy. Probably a lack of water, honestly.

Wilbur stumbled downstairs to see Phil prepping for dinner. He smiled at Wilbur as he walked in.

"Feeling better?" Phil asked.

"A bit," Wilbur responded before plopping down on the couch. Techno was sitting in the chair, reading a book. The pinkette glanced up at Wilbur.

"Heard from Dream you got two new keg stand records last night, officially beating Jared," Techno mused. Wilbur rolled his eyes, hearing a chuckle from the adult across the room.

"He deserved the loss," Wilbur retorted smugly.

"Boys, at least not in the same room, you weren't even supposed to be there," Phil called.

"Well clearly you aren't that mad about it," Wilbur retorted. Phil chuckled.

"Come on, dinner's ready."

The next day, Techno was out all day, and Phil was about to leave for the rest of the day. Tommy was already over at Tubbo's for the whole day and for a sleepover. Which meant, Wilbur was going to be home all day by himself.

As if he was summoned, Wilbur heard a light knock on his bedroom door.

"Come in," Wilbur responded. Phil walked in.

"Alright, I'm off, but I wanted to ask you a quick question about the other night," Phil said. Wilbur turned to him intently. "Do you remember anything from Friday night?" Wilbur searched his memory, trying to find something from later in the night, after the vodka shot, but nothing came to him.

"Nope, must've been really drunk," Wilbur chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. Phil smiled warmly.

"Alright, well then, have a good rest of your day. I'll be back later tonight, and make sure to text me if you leave or anyone else comes over. Stay safe," Phil called as he shut the door. Wilbur chuckled and returned to his phone.

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