Chapter 7

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2 Weeks Later...

~Wilbur POV~

Wilbur was tired. All the time. Every day after school Sally would bring him back to her house to either have sex or to punish him for breaking rules. Every time he saw Quackity he grew anxious that Sally was watching, but he also wanted to be friends with him.

It was a tough balance, but one he persisted with nonetheless. He would text and call Quackity late at night, but would rarely talk to him during the day.

Quackity asked why once, which sent Wilbur into a little bit of a spiral. Thankfully, Wilbur was able to bring himself back before the ravenette became concerned and informed him that Sally didn't like him, so he didn't want to be seen hanging out with him.

Quackity seemed to understand and they continued with their normal conversations. No one knew about what Sally did to him after school, and it was only getting worse. It started with a punch or two, and maybe a kick, but now she was using a belt to whip him, which brought back unfortunate memories that he now had to think about.

The softer voice in his head told him to tell Phil, Techno, anybody, but Wilbur never did, because he loved Sally... right?

This is what the woman in a relationship would do once they got more serious, right? He didn't want to ask Phil, and he didn't have anyone else to ask, so he just assumed.

It was fine, though. He wanted to stay with Sally, because if he didn't, he'd be alone. Quackity would leave him because he wouldn't be popular anymore. Everyone else would leave him because they were all Sally's friends. He had to stay with her.

Either way, even if he wanted to, Sally probably wouldn't let him. She loved him, he loved her. It was just a give and take. Wilbur gave her his love, and she took it. If Wilbur didn't give his love, then pretty simple, really.

Even if he hated every second of being with her, no matter what they were doing. Even if he was always on edge around her, never knowing when her peaceful and joyful persona would turn into anger or violence.

It was terrifying, being around her. At least with his father he could bet he was always angry, whereas with Sally it could change at any moment.

That's what was happening right now, actually. Wilbur was sitting on her living room couch, chatting with her mother. He was tense, to say the least. Sally was sitting painfully close to him, digging her sharp nails into his side.

On the outside, she was calm, peaceful, joyful even. But to Wilbur, she was pissed. He could see the glint in her eyes when he glanced over, or when she changed her posture to scratch his side.

At this point he knew he was bleeding a little bit. He knew something bad was gonna happen later that night, and he knew he had to get away.

Well, fast forward to later that night, after her parents left again, Wilbur wasn't able to get away. Now he was curled up in the corner of her room as she shouted at him.

"You fucking fat pig, you just couldn't please my parents! No, you had to fucking talk about your dumbass self, Boeing them to death! Don't talk about yourself, no one cares! You are stupid, boring, and above all humiliating! You're too fat, you're too loud, you're too self absorbed, just fucking cut it out!" Sally practically screamed.

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