Chapter 1: Hell's Vocalist

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What am I?
Who am I?
What have I become?

Those were the thoughts that crossed a raven-haired stranger's mind as she shivered from cold but was also warm from the fire that blazed in the distance. She walked slowly away from it, knowing what she had done and knew she couldn't take it back.

What have I become? I burned down a building.. I must've become the very thing I hate myself for. I've become a monster. She thought, and two people walked over. Two men with hair that defied gravity and buster swords.

Oh look.. It's emo little Cloudy edge lord and his puppy Zack. Great. Just wonderful. The stranger thought, and she turned to face them.

"Hellsing! What's up?" Zack asked, and the stranger glared at him with piercing eyes that slowly turned silver.

"It's not Hellsing, what the hell do you want?! I don't even know you, either." The stranger snapped, and Cloud faced in the direction of the fire.

"D-Did you do this?" Cloud asked, a surprised and slightly scared tone creeping into his voice.

The raven-haired stranger threw her hair back and laughed a cold, high laugh. She then joked, "It was Sephiroth! No, you idiot. It was me. Why would I be standing here, holding pyrotechnic supplies if I weren't the one who did it?"

"You're too pale to be real, let's fight!!" Zack exclaimed. The stranger put down her pyrotechnic supplies, her eyes went the shade of Sephiroth's hair, and two dagger-like fangs unleashed.

Cloud's eyes widened and he whispered frantically to Zack, "Zack, I think she's an urban legend, the one of Hell's Vocalist who killed all those experimenters. You'll be dead, and she's a vampire! Don't do it!"

Zack patted Cloud on the back and reassured him, "You beat Sephiroth, and I'll help you do it! She's weaker, you've got this!"

The stranger turned around abruptly and said, "I heard you. Don't refer to me as that unless throwing you in a coffin is what you'd like, refer to me as Vocare." And a red electric violin floated into her hand.

Cloud and Zack put their swords in hand, prepared to attack. Cloud tried to aim for Vocare and ended up knocking her back, but instead of falling... Vocare had two red wings cracked like glass unfurling from her back and she floated into the skies.

"Are you all ready to have your minds rocked by this?!" Vocare called out, and Zack chuckled.

"You really think you're going to defeat us with that? You must be insane!" Zack chuckled, and Vocare played a solo on her violin. It was high and chaotic, and Cloud tried to attack the guitar with his swords mid-air.

"Don't you fucking dare." Vocare whispered, her voice going deep, nearly demonic. Then she knocked Cloud out of the skies and Zack managed to catch Cloud as he was falling. Vocare descended from the skies, wings disappearing and her eyes going dark blue.

"You really are a monster!" Zack said as he walked off, Cloud's body flung over his shoulder.

Vocare heard those words and it took her back to a memory she would've rather had erased.



"This won't hurt a bit." The team of researchers murmured, and Vocare shrieked sounding nearly close to a demon.

"DON'T DO IT! PLEASE DON'T!" Vocare screamed, and two wings unfurled. They were the color of wine and her eyes were silver, with a pupil like a snake's pupils.

One of the researchers ran to another room and came back with chains and a needle, they chained Vocare down to the metal table in there. The needle had a serum that would leave her motionless and paralyzed. That same researcher injected the needle and Vocare started to bleed.

"Leave her here. She's just a monster. She'll get over it." Hojo murmured, he and the rest of the experimenters left.

"DON'T LEAVE ME HERE! PLEASE! DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE!" Vocare screamed, and she passed out.


"Why do I have to be such a monster?!" Vocare asked herself aloud, and she took to the skies above to think.

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