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The day went by surprisingly quick. Alice, my friend from Hufflepuff, joined me as I slugged through the castle. If I had been in any other state of mind I would have enjoyed my time, maybe even remembered what we did and said. All I could think of was the day before, and the party to come. When I heard of love, I never heard how much it hurt.

And then it was five. I met up with Draco outside of the DADA classroom. He was still very much attractive regardless of what happened. If only thinking that didn't hurt more. Few words other than hello were passed between us until we went into the room. You could probably say the entire school was there, considering how many people were left. Music played from a magic operated speaker in the corner and students and teachers alike danced around. Laughter and cheerful voices filled the air, as though begging my voice to join in.

I hated begging but had to say something when I saw Professor Snape jamming along to Jingle Bells. "I don't get how our potions professor is having fun while we're sulking in a corner." I nudged Draco's shoulder and pointed at his beloved teacher.

His hand flew towards his mouth. "Alright fine, dance with me." He extended his hand and we walked to the center of the room. It wasn't a waltz but whatever name belonged to our movements was incredible. Suddenly, Draco grabbed my hand again and then it was him pulling me... to a karaoke machine.

"No, no, what?" I tugged back with my arm, almost unwillingly, as though I had to object.

"Sing with me." At my visible disagreement he continued, "Do you think I'm ever gonna do this again? Sing with me." His words more stern than before.

Sweat formed on my forehead while I helped Draco pick a song with devices he clearly didn't know how to operate. We ended up choosing I'm gonna lose you by Meghan Trainor and John Legend and more than a few eyes had turned to watch us. Holding the microphone in one shaking hand, I looked up to the words on the screen and began to sing. My soft voice was magnified across the room and I tried to pretend that they couldn't hear everything I said.

The color of the lyrics switched. Draco's smooth voice rang through my ears, his body pressed up against mine in the small space of the stage. Music had never sounded so beautiful until it came from him.

Lyrics flipped back and forth, having us harmonize and break apart again and again. Draco's free hand covered mine and soothed my shaking nerves, staying there the duration of the song. It ended almost too quickly. Light applause sounded from our classmates and professors whilst we hurried down from the spotlight.

Back in the corner of the room, energy sparked in the spaces where nothing was before. Time slowed all around us, the lights turning to a blur framing the face of glass in front of me. My thoughts were finally gone. Draco's hand reached out to me, cupping my chin before spreading across my check. He pulled me to him and our lips touched, the sparks now erupting into flames, a raging bonfire that absorbed us both. The taste of green apple lingered on my tongue, burning into my memory. It lasted for seconds and hours in one. Yet, like the song, it was over before I was ready.

Waking up in his bed made up for it. His delicate body beside me fought off the cold I was so used to feeling. I positioned myself on my side, staring at his heavenly figure. I'd waited so long for this, half the time not even knowing it. But it happened. He was mine. I had tamed the ferret.

A Short Story: Ft. Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now