Keep it going!!

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After i started to use more screen recordings i started to gain more and more subscribers each day (im pretty sure...) i was so happy with my channel growing quite fast. Until it hit 14-15 subscribers. It didnt really move much over that time. Till this time on i really didnt have a "theme" on my my channel was going to be like. I was just really just doing random things with ym channel and didnt really care as much.couple weeks later i hosted an intro contest. And we go a winner! Than i was planning to make a glmv buutt didnt go well (rage quitted) sooooo lets fast forward to when things got real. Wait! Forgot to metion something. The first time i started usign editing apps!! So i first a subscriber metion this thing called...ummmmm i forgot but i switched to kine master. Needed help with that but i finnalt got the hang of it 😅 now when things get real! So i made a mha skit (which is currently the most popular vid on my channel) Whcih hit me to 20 subs. FINNALY!! And i pretty sure that when my channel started sky rocking! So maybe ill do more skits like that one. So fast foward A LOT thats when...
To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2022 ⏰

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