Ch 13 Alone

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- Did you hear about him?

- What really?

- Oh my God he really did that?

- He acts so innocent, but actually he's just a-


Eunwoo was trying to pass through the halls as fast as he could, yet he shivered at almost every step, unable to do so, for the heavy mist of people's whispers and poor hidden chuckles, their disgusted and despising stares, were pulling him down, to fall deeper in misery.

After what happened, he knew it will come to that. He prepared himself as rumors were bound to rise, however to think of that was completely different than to face it all. His fingers were numb cold, his face paler than a ghost's, eyes red, sunk and dark beneath, sign of sleepless nights and utter tiredness, Eunwoo looked about to collapse, but he still went on.

He was getting dizzy from just the effort of walking to that place, still he needed that. He needed his friends to know the truth. To help him or at least support him, like they always did. He was so desperate in need for someone to listen to him, to hear him out, the truth that nobody seemed to care.

Eunwoo was inches away to break apart. His career, his dreams, his future – all seemed about to fall to pieces.

"It's alright. It will be alright.", he tried to reassure himself. He had at least his friends.

He wasn't alone.

Eunwoo was approaching the door, his hand already reaching to open it, but suddenly stopped as if he was frozen in place.

Voices were heard behind it, clear enough for Eunwoo to seize every word. Every chuckle.

- He's crazy if he thought he could hit on the producer.

- And here we were wondering how he got all the roles until now.

- Did you not know?! I heard he was spotted in the Hotel with director X.

- No way? Him? His older than my father.

- You'd think he'd stop at that.

- Ugh! That's disgusting.

- Why not? I bet with that face you could drag anyone in your bed.

A burst of laughs erupted from the other side of the door and Eunwoo's heart stopped. His whole body started to shiver violently, his legs so weak he could fall at any moment, he brought his trembling hands to cover his mouth, as he started to choke on his muted cries. Tears fell from his wide shocked eyes, seeing how his whole world collapsed in that merciless tone of his best friends' voices, their cruel laughter. His mind blanked.

What did he want to do? To ask them for help? To beg them to trust him? Who, those people whom he put his last hope in, the people he called his best friends?

Were they still his friends?

Eunwoo let out a struggled weep of such an agonizing pain like someone just pierced his heart with the sharpest of blades.

"No. It can't be. That's not them. I heard wrong."

And despite all his logic telling him otherwise, Eunwoo refused to believe it. He wiped in one rough move his tears with his sleeve, his eyes wore the last shadow of hope in them.

"If I tell them, they'll believe me. I should explain first, yes. It's all a misunderstanding. It's the rumors."

Eunwoo tried very hard to find every reason for what they said of thought that. His heart squeezing even more. It was hard for him to breathe, yet he tried desperately to calm down and shove all their words from his mind.

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