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*Skylar POV*


I'm running in the woods trying to get away from my father when all of a sudden he ends up in front of me. I scream for my life as I turn around and try to get as fast as I can away from him.

I take two steps till I feel a sticky substance running down my stomach. I look down and scream bloody murder at what I see. My own father stabbed me. I can't believe it.

I fall to my knees laying on the ground surrounded by my own blood while I watch my own father laugh at the site of me dying. How could someone be so cruel? I ask myself as I start to see black spots in my vision. And I know for sure this is the end of me.

~End of dream~

I sit up in bed screaming, then cover my mouth making sure not to wake my father up. I'm sweating like a pig and it's feels like that nightmare was actually real. It was so realistic.

I get up out of bed and head to the kitchen for a glass of water because I know I won't be able to sleep after that terrifying dream. I mean who would be able to sleep after a dream like that? I just watched my own father kill me in a dream and it felt so damn real. I thought it was real and that was the end of me.

I sip on my water trying to forget about the nightmare and start thinking about Brent. Omg he's so cute, but what would someone want with a broken girl like me?

I finish up my water and head back up to my room trying to go back to sleep without having another nightmare.

*In the morning*




Ugh! I wake up to that annoying ass sound every morning in pain. I wish I could just stay home but school is my only freedom away from this hell and my personal devil.

I turn off my alarm and head to the bathroom taking a shower. Once I'm out of the shower I dress in skinny jeans and a lose t-shirt to hide my scars from everyone.

I head back to the bathroom with my make-up bag and check to see how much I need to cover the damage. I need A LOT! My face is all bruised. Gosh I wish he would just take a break one day so they could fully heal without getting fresh new ones.

Once I'm finished putting make-up on I head downstairs and sneak outside hoping not to get caught by him. It gets tiring sneaking around your own house, I wish he'd just stop. But no luck so far.

*skip walk to school*

I start walking to my class when I feel a muscular arm grab my wrist and turn me around to face them.

"Hi skylar" Brent breathes out, I can smell his minty breath.

I just stare at him while he talks. Then he looks like he's waiting for an answer. Shit I should've been listening not checking him out. Oops?
"I asked you if you wanted to have lunch with me and the boys?" Brent asks me with hope in his eyes. I smile and nod because that's all I can do.

Man he is so close, yet so hot! Omg stop thinking like that skylar! I scold myself. I can't believe I'm starting to fall for the bad boy of the school. Omg help me!

* Brent's POV*

I wake up remembering my dream from last night. I can't believe I just dreamed about skylar. I think I'm falling for her. I wonder if she feels the same way.

I get up out of bed and get a shower. After my shower I go downstairs and see my mother making breakfast. I head over and grab plate of eggs, and bacon. I scoff down the whole plate in less then a minute and head out the door before I'm late for school.

I head into school and go straight to my locker putting my things in and getting out the stuff I need. After I grab the stuff I need I head down the hall looking for skylar. After a while of searching I finally site her walking down the hall. I rush towards her hoping for her not to run away again.

I grab her by the wrist stopping her from getting away. She looks towards we startled then surprised to see me. I smile at her.

"Hi" I breath out getting nervous instantly.

"Uh, hi" skylar says quietly back.

"Wanna come hang out with me and the boys at lunch?" I ask her hoping she says yes so I can see her again.

I see her look up at me in confusion. Didn't she hear what I said?

"Um what?" She asks shyly. I sigh I have to repeat it again, I hope she doesn't say no.

"I um, asked you if you wanted to hang out with me and the boys at lunch. So whatcha say?" I ask suddenly nervous and shy about her answer. Gosh what's happening to me? I must really like this girl.

Skylar nods and smiles at me. Thank god she said yes. I would've been so humiliated if she said no.

I smile at her once more and take off down the hall to detention and meet up with the boys in there.

Once I'm in the detention room I see all 5 of them Sitting there Paul, sam, chase, Jake, and Ryan the leader. I smile at them and take a seat next to Jake.

Jake turns to me with a confused face.

"Um no offense but why you so smiley?" Jake asks weirded out. I smile even more to freak him out.

"I got skylar to say yes to hanging out with us!" I say with a huge smile on afraid my face is gonna break.

"That nerd?" Ryan asks all of a sudden. I nod and stare at him wondering how he knows her.

"Why would you ask her that?" Chase asks next suspicious.

"Umm well you see..." I say trailing off scared of what they'll think of me for liking her. I hear Paul sigh so we all turn to him.

"You guys are so oblivious, he obviously likes her." Paul says after awhile of us all staring at him waiting for the answer.

"Oh shit really?" Ryan yells at us.

I just look around the room trying to avoid the question until I hear Ryan chuckle.

"Dude I get it if you like her, I mean look at her she's hot!" Ryan says to me hoping to cheer me up and get rid of my worry. I sigh.

"Yeah I guess your right, but I don't like her for her looks. She's so sweet and caring." I say girly to the guys. They all stare at me in shock and shake their heads.

I hear Sam mutter something under his breath I'm not sure what it was but it sounded like "Man he is so dang wipped." But I ignore it and decide to take a nap and think about Skylar to pass the time.

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