Chapter 1

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Anne stood there, thoughts flowing throughout her brain.

She had dark bags beneath her eyes, due to the mental breakdowns and sleep deprivation she had. Sasha gently placed her hand on Anne's firm shoulder. Anne was stiff.

To no surprise, Anne threw her hand away and stared at the tank. It wasn't a pretty image. She hesitated, but she couldn't stop the urge to just, sob. Translucent tears started to drip down her face. Then, Anne spoke up, "I-I'm sorry..." "I didn't realise that he kept you down here, Mar-Mar..." Anne choked.

Marcy was in a giant tank, tubes attached to her, leading to who knows where. She was floating in there, helplessly with a blank face. But most of it was covered with a mask, supplying her with oxygen in the dull green water.

Bubbles formed from her breathing, it made Anne relieved to at least know that she was still alive, just unconscious.

Sasha stayed behind Anne, although she wanted to cry as well and break the thick glass, containing Marcy in it... she attempted to stay calm and let Anne have her moment.

Anne twisted her head to Sasha, eyes still filled with tears. "Why aren't you upset? Do you not care that Marcy's stuck in..." Anne opened and gestured her hands at the tank, "THIS?!"

Anne wiped the edge of her eyes and stared at Sasha, awaiting her response. "WELL?" She prompted. Sasha stayed silent, putting her arm on her shoulder and losing eye contact. "Sasha... I can't believe you. DON'T YOU CARE ONE BIT?!" Anne yelled, frustrated about Sasha's silent treatment. Sasha gritted her teeth, "OF COURSE I DO, ANNE! I CARE A LOT. It's just..."

Sasha head hung low, "I wanted to.. be calm, for Marcy's sake..."

Tears started to fall from Sasha's face, she couldn't hold it in anymore. Sasha covered her face, embarrassed that she was showing weakness. She attempted wiping the tears away but it just made it worse, everything started to hurt more.

Anne's eyes widened, she'd never really seen Sasha cry, only when they were kids. But that was just 1 or 2 times. Sasha had always been the brave and tough one. She always stood up for Anne and Marcy ever since they were kids.

Anne sighed and walked towards Sasha, wrapping her arms around Sasha, giving her a hug. "W-What..?" Sasha mumbled.

"I'm sorry," Anne whispered. "I didn't realise how much you were hurting... I'm just so selfish for only thinking of mysel-"

Anne was cut off with one word, "No."

Before Anne could respond to Sasha's unexpected interruption, Sasha started speaking.

"You're not selfish..." Sasha muttered, gently gripping onto Anne's shirt. "Don't put yourself down, at least... not at a time like this."

Anne felt touched, she started smiling at Sasha's surprisingly random kindness. The only response that came out of her mouth was, "Awww." Anne's eyes started glistening, more happier than she was before. Anne softly pulled away and smiled, "Thanks for that... Sash."

Anne hadn't called Sasha a nickname for... a while, it felt a bit weird but it didn't really matter to Anne. "Now, let's grab Marcy and get outta here! This place doesn't feel safe."

"Wait, are you saying, the brave, noble Sasha, is scared?" Anne joked, having an mischievous smirk on her face. Sasha gave Anne a light punch, "Hah, no. Thanks for the compliments though. I'm only worried for your safety." Sasha joked back.

Anne had a bit of a giggle until, seeing Sasha immediately smash the glass tank open, green gooey liquid flowed out of it. Shattered glass flew everywhere, luckily it didn't hit Anne nor Sasha. "SASHA!" Anne stared at Sasha shockingly from her sudden manoeuvre.

A pale girl with overgrown raven hair slowly slid out of the tank, still unconscious. Both Anne and Sasha rushed towards the body, pulling off the tubes and oxygen mask. Of course, she didn't wake up, but Anne still prayed for her to finally wake up.

"Please wake up, please wake up, please wake up..." Anne muttered repeatedly, with a desperate look on her face.

Sasha sighed, "How about we quickly bring her back and then we wait for her to wake up? That sound good, Anne?" Sasha patted Anne's back, hoping to get a reaction from her. But nope. Anne was more focused on Marcy.

Soon after, Sasha dragged Anne and Marcy out of there. (Not literally)

Mission Rescue Marcy: Success (?)


A shadow started emerging, it smirked wickedly, "Our plans are finally into order... hopefully you can do this, my lord."


❤️💚💙 ❤︎ Note from Author: ❤︎ 💙💚❤️

Alright so! I keep making fanfics, I get it lol and I'm sorry.

I always stop posting parts and starting new fanfics every time I finish the 3rd or 4th chapter lol and idk why

I promise though, I'll try to post another part of 'Wish I Could Tell You' since you guys really like it! <3

Thanks for reading my stories even if my story-writing absolutely sucks, I'm trying to improve! Have a great day or night :D

From: aurxia ❤︎

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