Chapter 2

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Author's Note:
I'm on a spree right now, actually updating the stories I've left on hold for months now. Hopefully I don't disappoint with this chapter, enjoy!


Anne placed her hand softly on Marcy's chest, feeling the area of where her heart belonged. She laid it there for a couple more seconds until she felt absolutely positive that her friend was still alive.

It was still, unbelievable. Marcy was somehow alive.. and unguarded.

Although Anne had been reassured multiple times by a few of the Resistance members that she had grown fond of — including Sasha — it left Anne speechless.

Of course, the brunette would always cut the Plantars off, confidently stating that Marcy was still alive whenever they asked back on Earth. But deep down, her heart would slightly ache, knowing fully well that she herself was in denial.

The doubt began to increase overtime during her time on Earth, her intrusive thoughts roaming freely, suggesting all sorts of stuff! And honestly.. Anne had begun to just accept it, to brace herself for whenever she'd return. Luckily, that had been released when Sasha had mentioned that Marcy was alive, just.. held prisoner.

Anne shuddered at the thought.

At the time, she pondered on all. the. possible. outcomes.

"Sasha! We have to go save her before it's too late!" Anne insisted, knowing in the back of her mind that they couldn't possibly charge at the castle and infiltrate with the lack of members they had compared to Andrias' ARMY.

The blonde simply sighed, "Look, if we had some sort of miracle and a super weapon.. I would. But it's impossible right now.."

Anne stared back with a mix of disbelief and understanding in her eyes. Sasha noticed the brunette's deep thought until she responded with a hesitant nod, "Okay.. but when we get the troops and allies we need, we're getting Marcy back."

As Anne was reminiscing on the past, the door began to creak open steadily. Her soft curls bounced as she stood up instinctively, preparing to go into her fighting stance. "S-Stand back!" Anne warned with a shaky voice, her sweaty palms hovering above her scabbard.

She glared at the intruder, getting a closer look until she noticed their straight posture. Their silhouette beginning to resemble..

"Woah Anne, you alright? You look like you've seen a hive of agitated hornets!" The familiar figure exclaimed, raising their hands up slightly.

Anne sighed in relief as she realised who it was, "Sasha! You scared the frog out of me.."

Sasha began to giggle, reassuring the Thai girl that she was just checking up on Marcy. "You know, she is my friend too," she smirked teasingly before continuing, "You don't have to hog her."

The blonde started to demonstrate her previous statement before Anne could give another playful remark, wrapping her arms around Marcy's unconscious body gently. She then began to snuggle her face into Marcy's neck, closing her eyes and enjoying the comfort that released all her former tension.

Anne pouted as she crossed her arms, before tackling the blonde off Marcy, luckily avoiding any impact going to her peaceful friend.

The pair burst out into uncontrollable laughter, desperately trying not to wake up Marcy.

"Wow, you've gotten pretty strong Boonchuy, guess my workout routines really helped with your noodle arms," Sasha snorted before pecking Anne's nose in a joking manner.

Anne's face slightly heated up from this gesture, before covering her embarrassment with an embrace, "Oh shut it, Commander.."

The pair broke off the hug not soon after, suddenly their eyes met.

There was a silence, a mix between comfortable and awkward.

Anne began to smirk, thinking of a way to break the silence, "Have I ever told you, your eyes are beautiful, Waybright?" She then shot a playful wink and the classic finger guns at the gobsmacked commander.

As soon as Sasha was about to get Anne back, the pair heard groans and grumbles coming from behind them.

They both twisted their heads to see..



❤️💚💙 ❤︎ Note from Author: ❤︎ 💙💚❤️

HEHE, this was a pretty heartfelt chapter? Honestly, I wasn't sure if I wanted Anne and Sasha to start talking and having a sweet/sappy conversation about how happy they were to have Marcy back but.. the Sashanne demons won me over. This might be a little bit out of character and I apologise! I haven't exactly written these 3 in a while.

Also yes, this is a bit of a short chapter, uh I'm not sure when I'll continue this story but hopefully soon!

From: aurxia ❤︎

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2023 ⏰

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