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"Halo guests,this is the Host...."a deep programmed voice announced through the invisible speakers.

There was silence for a moment.

And then excited screams and squeals erupted,guests jumping up and down cheering to the voice of the Host.Everybody in the Host's house was clearly excited due to the fact that this was the first time the Host was addressing them.

They all gathered in the living lounge.

"Welcome to my house."The voice continued after everybody settled down.

"Definately a show off".Elena thought

"I congratulate you all for make it to the show,Since every guest is here,let the game officially begin.As all of you know,it's a game where only one of you,lucky enough will walk away with the grand prize.So good luck to all of you."

There were murmurs amongst guests,some of them cheering at what the Host had said.

"Yesterday,20 of you participated in the first Head of House challenge,it was just a lucky dip where one luckiest pair would emerge the HOH,is this so?"

"Yes sir"was a collective response from everyone.


The said pair stood up with excited anticipation.

"You are the Double Heads of House for this week.The Host grants you full access to the HOH suite and all its luxuries,congratulations."

Julia happily jumped at Blue hugging him,his expression mirroring  hers.Both were visibly happy for their luck.

Congratulations were passed to them from unlucky others

"Let's proceed..."

All guests tensed.their was something comanding about the voice

"24 of you are all my guests for this week,but not the next.."

Guests went completely silent to this,smiles wiping off their faces.This being a reminder that all the luxury was a game after all.
The house's atmosphere completely changed.They all silently waited for the voice to continue.

"20 of you entered this house as 10 pairs after each pair spending already 2 or more days together,the Host assumes that the pairs are well acquainted,is this so? The voice asked.

"Yes sir."

"Angel,Eve,Ian and Faith,may the four of you please Stand up."

They all did.Elena wished she was just confident like others.Her nerves were crawling up her back again.Attention was the last thing she wanted which was a stupid thought considering she willingly auditioned to be on a national show.So as the Host addressed them,she focused ahead, her gaze on a giant black TV screen above the large fire place near a throne like chair.

"The Host congratulates you all for successfully completing the glass house challenge."said the voice.

As the 3 others thanked the Host,Elena observed confused looks on most of the guests,probably wondering what the Host meant.

So,none of them knew!

"As a reward,the four of you are excluded from this week's eviction,you all have one more week to enjoy the luxury of the Host's House,a privilege similar to the double Heads of House."

Blue whistled at this,Julia fake fainted dropping down into the soft couch.The four happily exchanged brief hugs thanking the Host once again.

Elena looked around,fake smiles and not so happy faces looked back at them.She didn't care,she had another week in the House and that's all that mattered at the moment.She masked her nervousness with her own fake smile.

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