The bed-head

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"Go, fight, win Kida and y/n!" Kida chanted.

"We can't be beat, no!" You chanted will smiling and giggling.

"We can't be beat, no!" Kida rapped along with you.

"Go, fight, win Kida and y/n!" You said this time, kissing the medal on your shoulders.

"We regain supreme!" Kida wrapped an arm around you and the two of you swung side to side.

"Supreme!" You yelled as you closed your eyes and shook your head, your hair slightly whipping you.

"We regain supreme!"

You and Kida won second place! You were going to the next set of events in the more centre of Tokyo. This would certainly get you a higher level on the scoreboard. Just as the two of you were making your way out of the gym and into the outside, you were stopped by a boy. He had black, messy hair and his head looked like he had just woken up.

"Hey, I noticed you out on the rink, you did pretty good" He said, hands on his hips.

"Oh, well thank you." You smile at him.

Kida turned around, looking at the person you were talking to.

"Oh my god, Tetsurō , hey" She said, wrapping an arm around him. "It's been forever!"

"We literally had the same class 2 days ago, Kida" The bedhead said, ruffling Kita's hair.


"Oh, Y/n, this is my cousin, Tetsurō Kuroo." Kida says.

"Nice to met you, pretty lady" The boy smirks.

You blush as he grabs your hand and kisses it. He gives you a 'charming' smirk. You wipe your hand on your jacket before saying:

"Who do you think you are? Prince Charming?" You say sarcastically.

"You can call me whatever you want" He winks at you as you placed one hand on your hip and raise an eyebrow.

"Okay! Tetsurō, stop flirting with every pretty girl you see, god, it's embarrassing" Kida slaps her cousin. "We'll be going now."

"Okay, well, have fun." Kuroo began to walk out, before he stopped abruptly and turned around. "Oh, and I have a volleyball game coming up tomorrow, be sure to make it. You can bring your cute friend as well" He winked at you before leaving.

Kida rolled her eyes and pulled you back from almost attacking this bedhead. You huffed as you walked along-side Kida. You both went to the canteen to get yourself a drink. Kida and you shared the drink since you only had enough money for one.

"So" You say, taking of sip of the drink. "Your cousin is on the volleyball team?"

"Yeah, I think he said he was the captain about - 100 million times." Kida said, clearly annoyed by how many times he probably told her. "Every family reunion he brags about it."

"Sounds delightful." You say, passing the can to Kida.

"He always try's to get my little siblings to play with him. He even brought one of his friends over one time to play, he is obsessed with that ball." Kida waves her hand as she speaks.

"Really? I can't believe that!" You said, trying to hold back a laugh since you did the same thing with Kida one time.

Kida looked with you for not even a second and the two of you both cracked up laughing. You wiped away fake tears and Kida got her lungs back.


The next day, you can Kida were in the stands watching the Nekoma volleyball team as they literally wiped the floor with the opposite team. Kuroo was smiling and grinning the entire time, but the setter of the group just had a blank stare while setting the ball.

There was also this freakishly tall kid on the court. You overheard from Kida that was a freaking first year! How can a 15 year old boy that bloody tall?! He sucked. Well, most of the time, he could really spike a ball, but he messed up a lot, that would surely bite him in the ass after the game.

During a time out, Kuroo looked to the stands. He waved to his cousin and then his eyes drifted to you. He seemed to grow a bigger smile as he waved to you. You smiled back at him and flipped him off while blowing a kiss. He caught the kiss and placed his hand on his butt, smirking at you.

The face you made at him said enough. Kida was looking back between the two of you as this happened, only to snort at the end of it.

As the match finished, you and Kida walked downstairs and to the court, trying to find the team. When Kida made a noise of success, you turned around to see the red jerseys of Nekoma. You and Kida walked over there, instantly noticed by a kid with a mohawk.

"Woah! Kuroo's cousin bae and hot new friend alert!" He said. So he's a simp.  "Alert! The bae has a hot friend!"

All the boys on the team turned around to see Kida and you. You sunk into your shirt when all the boys looked at you, exactly what you needed at 1 in the afternoon. Kuroo walked over and slapped the mohawk kid in the head.


Kuroo ruffled Kida's hair before looking to you.

"What? Want me to kiss your ass again?" You asked him.

The team looked between the two of you with concern and confusion on both of their faces. Kuroo only grinned and Kida snorted, yet again.

"You know you'll like it." He takes a step towards you.

"In your dreams, you over-sized rooster" You stick your tongue out at him.

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