He just watched

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He was just watching you. Kuroo, he was watching you in the skating rink as you glided across the ice. You tried ignore him, but every now and then your eyes would flick to him.

Deciding to show off a little, you made your way faster around the ice. You jump in the air and land a triple axle before dropping to the ground and spun around, you out stretched your arms and bent your back unnaturally as you went back into a standing position. You spun around on the spot, lifting one of your legs over your head as you made those little ice particles fly everywhere.

You noticed how Kuroo had one hand on his chin as he looked dreamy towards you. You stopped what you were doing and slowly looked at him. You skated your way over to him and he lifted his head up.

"Hello ass-kisser." He said as you were in close range.

"Hello rooster." You smile back to him as you lean on the railings.

"You were impressive out there." He said, nodding his messy head towards the rink.

"T'was nothing." You look, at the rink for a few seconds.

"No, really, you looked really good out there." He insists.

"Aw, eat your heart out" You lifted your neck up, exposing your skin.

He chuckles and shook his head. He lowered his body, resting his forearms on the railing and giving you a better look at his hazel-cat like eyes.  His eyes were of the smooth brown infused with green as if he held the new spring growth inside. They were the forest floor and gentle flowers, somewhere to rest and breathe.

"You know, your eyes are so pretty." You say, no filter.

He coughs and rolls his shoulders before shaking the hair on his head and looking back at you.

"You think so?"

"Nah, they remind me of a cat's litter box." You roll your eyes.

Your eyes flick to the skates in his hands. He was just watching everyone else skate around with a longing look in his eyes.

"Do you want me to teach you?" You asked him, nodding to the skates in his heads.

"Hmm?" He looks to the skates before shaking his head. "Oh no, I couldn't poss- Yes, Yes i do."

You giggled slightly at how quick he was to change his mind. You skated over to exit and entrance. Walking out a little bit oddly. You helped Kuroo get his skates on before holding his upper arms to walk him out to the rink.

He was all shaky at first, but soon came to a good enough stand on with the shoes. He wasn't all that bad. He could stand up right, but he couldn't move around.

"Okay, ready?" You say, skating a little backwards. "Try and skate to me."

Kuroo makes a odd slide towards you, but ends up coming towards you. His leg slowly begin to go sideways and he was also on the floor.

"Y/n-Y/n, Please H-help! PLease...love of god- Aha!" He slightly shouts in pain as he involuntarily does the splits.

"Pfft- Okay, here, ahaha!" You could help but laugh as he fell and grabbed on to his crotch. "Are you okay?"

"My children are going to be deformed." He speaks, taking a hand to his forehead for flare.

"Yeah, if you find someone dumb enough to date you."

"Oh, the motivation."

You roll your eyes and skate backwards, this time not as far away from the bedhead. You gestured for him to come towards you, he slowly made his way over to you in the most least graceful way possible.
When he got close to you, he gripped onto your shoulders.

"What? Are you scared." You mocked him.

"No." He said quickly, but he then let go of your shoulders. "See, I'm doing gre-"

Before he finished he sentence, he began slipping. His arms flailed about and he legs looked like those of a ragdoll. You went over to help him, but he grabbed your forearm, and brought you down with him.


You landed on the ice, which made your skin red and sore. Kuroo was next to you, covered in ice and panting.

"Well...it's not as bad as a wooden floor."

"Get up before you get frostbite." You say, leaning on him to get up.

Soon enough (and by that, i mean 20 minutes later) Kuroo was able to glide across the ice without falling face-first to the ground. Granted, he still sucked at it, but practice makes perfect.

"Oi!" Kuroo called out to you, you turned to him. "Your going to that Tournament for ice skating later this mouth, right?"

"Yeah, what of it?"

"Nothing, just save a seat for me, K?"

Snowflake | Kuroo x Reader | Haikyuu!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن